That's why in my earlier post I said IF you could get 1 CON on a wiz.. I currently do not know of a way to do this barring UMD'ing a Death Pact scroll (if they exist)
Also mobs can teleport to you and aggro at random, get critted by the orthons in vod and tod, enjoy your 0 fort.
To OP: Yes, heavy fort is must. Not having it will get you blacklisted A LOT, you will ruin fun when questing and that will also give some bad name for casters overall.
Do not accept death so easily if you can fight against it.
Palemaster undead forms(shrouds) gives you 100% fortification anyhow. Just saying.
Last edited by shagath; 11-04-2010 at 11:17 PM.
:: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::
Wizards are already a low HP class.
And while I don't think low HP makes you the "one hit wonder" that everyone hears about, a crit sure can maje that become true real fast.
Add Ogres and trolls who do a triple hit attack in what looks like one animation, and you could get three crits on you in a split second.
There are also a lot of Rogue type monsters who few chars have the Spot skill to see before they strike. And they seem to prefer targets in the back of the group....and they get SA damage. A lot in some cases.
( I don't believe that traps crit or that fort protects you from them)
Anyway, at some point you are really going to want heavy fort. Exactly what point that is will vary by player and playstyle.
But really, it is very nice to have. And you will get a lot of benefit from it IMO.
The easiest and cheapest way to get it IMO, is the Minos Helm from Orchard Tapestry turn ins.....especially for a Wizard.
But it also somes on Robes. And in theory should be cheao to find at lvl 14. Cause all my casters and monks ever seem to get as end rewards are min lvl 14 Robes.
And I have a whole lot of Fearsome of Heavy Fort ones lying around.
Seems to me there should be a lot of them being unloaded at the pawn brokers every day......
Try the ones in the Inspired Qtr, or Amrath and see if you can find one.
What I wish was easier to get is lower lvl fort items of some sort. Light Fort belts are common enough, but Medium Fort seems rare.
And there are a lot of those Ogres and trolls starting at about lvl 6.
And they have a long reach too! Longer than their graphic would indicate.
It is real hard to avoid them sometimes.
And it's a long way from lvl 6 to 11/14.
But at any rate, it should be easy to aquire by lvl 11-14. And it is highly recommended.
I have to admit, that I do enjoy hearing all of these examples of situations where you absolutely cannot avoid getting hit in though.......knowing full well that I avoid getting hit in those exact situations all the time.
(hint: dont stand next to your friends, and dont be seen.)
(also helps to immobilize things before hurting them.)
But yeah, nothing is guaranteed and you can't possibly avoid getting hit forever.
Many people have mentioned many common situations where most players will get hit, and get hit a lot.
Sure...and if you're playing slow and careful like that, a lot of groups will dump you from the group because they assume you're piking.
Right now, for right or wrong, most groups expect you to keep up with the Ritalin-popping Barbarian zerglings who think it's the Cleric's job to swill down 100 mana pots on a run of Irestone Inlet on Hard. And when you have one of these nitwits in the group, you can dang well bet that anyone who doesn't keep up will catch abuse.
About the only folks who play that smart and careful are Permadeathers...and they'll tell you shut up and get a danged Minos Legens like everyone else.
My favorite is my minimum level four moderate fort robe. I put it on as soon as I leveled to four and only swapped it out for an invulnerability robe at a later level when I was able to equip my ring with moderate fort. I've seen other such robes on auction. So leaping to 75% crit avoidance is definitely possible at level four.
Its not accepting death, its just true, 4-6 hits from a mob will kill me, end of story. If there are mobs beating on me all around me, im going down.
What wiz wants aggro in and epic quest O-o
Wizard is the hardest class to solo... i am not soloing
So should i really be worrying about 3 crits in a row? I have never been critted 3 times...
Stunned? if im stunned and have 4 epic mobs beating on me, how is heavy fort gonna make a difference?
I mean, sure if i was critted 3 times in a row, then i would die, but would rather not displace the stuff i have slotted in now for a ridiculously unlikely event... i could always find a ring i suppose, just in case.
I have no heavy fort on. I have not yet died to critical hits... and i have never come close to being blacklisted.
It's part of some tactics like kiting or people shield blocking at the door.
It builds up. You will definitely need more healing if you are not immune to crits and that's less sp to use healing people that have geared up for it.
Very dangerous situation but people do survive out of stuns with healers help.
Do you usually die? It shouldn't be very common. Not having heavy fort really helps to get killed.
No idea about that.
Is there a reason why you are fighting against heavy fort? Minos Legens is a very easily acquirable item that has +20hp and heavy fort. That should help a bit with dying for couple of hits. It also takes only your head slot.
Last edited by shagath; 11-05-2010 at 12:56 PM.
:: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::
I'm not going to beat to death a topic already thoroughly covered (and thrashed many, many times in the past) and explained to you, especially since you show now interest in learning.
I will however, respond to this last statement. I have no idea who you are, or whether or not you've been 'blacklisted.' I do know that if you don't wear heavy fort, you probably are on someone's DNG list. Furthermore, in my case, if someone is on my DNG list, they probably don't know... because I simply stop dealing with them. And not wearing heavy fort past lvl 14ish is a one way ticket to my DNG list.
Even if you could survive a single crit, mobs frequently get multiple attacks....sometimes even from half-way across the room when facing the wrong direction!
Try standing anywhere near an ogre/troll when they do there jump attack with zero fort and you'll see the result.
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