Over the last few months I have had multiple bad experiences with peeps joining my LFMs asking for a share. Today was no different.

First off, I am a simple dude. I am not an elitist powergamer or a jerk but every time I have allowed those folks who ask for shares to stay in my groups, I have regretted it.

They lose crates in Gwylands, wont go to the barriers with the shards in Stormcleave, cant find a way show up in the quest without dying. They are constantly DCing or ignoring direction.

If the first thing someone says when they join is that they are new to the quest or "what house?", I have no issue with that. It seems that those who are willing to admit their ignorance to something, are more likely to play hard and take direction.

Today I get a guy in group from a guild that has enjoyed a decent reputation as of late. The first thing he did was ask for a share.

I considered booting him but decided to let it go. He never stepped into the quest even after we were underway for 10+ (doing god knows what) so I decided that he wasnt set on contributing to the group and removed him.

After that he sent me mulitple tells calling me an A**hole, telling me he wasnt a noob and that he planned on /ignoring me. Then he apparently reported ME for harassment for telling him "eat me noob".

Maybe it was a bit childish for me to tell him that but I had to say something, he was ****ing me off....

Anyways, if you are a solid player but a bit on the lazy side, please refrain from asking for a share if you join one of my groups. And for the rest of you party leaders out there,...Beware of Share!!!!!!