Thanks for this guidejust used it today
+1 for taking the time, great guide
Elementia : Aleksia : Ninetysix : Dumi - Utopia of Khyber
“The light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long... and you have burned so very very brightly”
Credit to TiberiusofTyr for the image.
Moved to Guild Wars 2
+1 for the info.
I am a very slow player, and thorough with rewards: I alt a lot and I try and make most of my chars grow up together, even cross-server, clearing favour and quests as they rise in power.
I've only actually played a tiny amount of actual quests, savouring DDO on a relaxed pace, and I hadn't tackled Relics at all yet.
I am currently back running my very first character, a dwarven clr1/ftr9 that, after some minor respec'ing, proved to be viable and fun.
I ran the quest on casual, bringing a fvs 10 hireling.
The quest took a bit more than a whole hour, doing all optionals and exploring around a bit.
On the whole, between gear, favorable dungeon scaling and the inherent toughness of a dwarven duo, getting the gorget was easy, and it promptly went and took the place of my out-dated, out-performed, Protector necklace.
Thanks for making me try something different and daring.
I never had the "gills" to try quests under-level.
It's always fun when you learn something new.
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
Very nice guide!
heres a tip: Touch of idiocy make the deurgers into warm soft kittens..for you to squish![]()
Thank you for the guide just used it today.
I have a L9 Tempest and it was a cakewalk solo on casual. Very easy to get to the item with the guide.
is it possible to miss some thing?
i couldn't find the chest for the key.
after checking 2 times the complete cave noted with 2 i went bezerk mode, just to open all doors died ofcourse but not before i had opened them all, except the last one with the levers.
hitted Q like a mad man but not found the chest.
i have followed this guide with earlier and it went great, but not this time.
I followed the guide and it worked perfectly! Actually, my level 10 fighter (w/ pocket cleric) only came close to dying once, and that was after I decided to complete the quest and actually get the sword.
Thank you so much for posting this.
I always see "you must have a heavy fort item by lvl 10!!!" posted on the forums, but I can never find one on the AH or at the pawn brokers that is anywhere close to affordable.
You are looking for the Gem of many Facets (replaces the necklace of the set):
You will find this in the Chronoscope Raid.
Edit: pic didn't work somehow
Last edited by Baloran; 12-07-2010 at 05:03 AM.
Ahh, you bring up a good point, I'll update my original post.
Sometimes the chest is tucked away in an odd spot in one of the rooms, and it does not easily appear by tapping Q so much. If this is the case, you might want to clear the room with a shrine first and carefully clear out the rooms surrounding it.
You don't *have* to stealth through this portion, I just emphasise stealth in my guide to prevent folks from getting swarmed.
So . . . is there any way besides ranged weapons/magic to kill the the last two summoners in the big room? I would really like the elementals to stop spawning, but I can't do enough ranged dps to kill the summoners before they heal themselves. I can get 6 of the 8, but two of them are on perches that I can't figure out how to get up to even with 60+ jump (yes, I know it tops out at 40).
Hmm, off the top of my head those guys will not come down unless bugged out via blind/stun (which could lead to them becoming even more inaccessible)
Dwarf bane arrows might be able to do the trick on Casual, but perhaps another option would be arcane caster hirelings. Flare is level 8 and can be commanded to spam the Phantasmal Killer spell - which may not have a great success rate upon dwarf casters, but can bypass the healing problem. Kzurth is level 7, but also has Wall of Fire and Enervation in addition to PK. He might actually have a higher DC than Flare being a Drow.
Last edited by JollySwagMan; 01-24-2011 at 01:10 PM.
Bump and a late +1 for this. A "must read" for new players.
Request the link be added the "GAME GUIDE INDEX" sticky.
"That's right, remember there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over..." ~ Heavenly Bank Account by Frank Zappa
"Your 'Gin n' tonic Futon Brain' cyborg implants sure make you smart!" ~ Seraphita, Element of Fire
I tried to start a Heavy Fort Project, with myself as thelanis chapter for new players, or anyone not wanting to jump through hoops themselves in order to clear the quest with a higher level, hold it open, etc. but didn't get any responses.
But if anyone's interested, PM me and i'll hook you up with a nice fort item. F2P!
Cool thing is, after you get the minos you can go back and trade the necklace for heroism 3/day bracers
Thanks for the indications. I ran the quest first solo in casual then we duoed it i normal. Since there are 3 shrines it's easy for a caster, and i may even try it solo.
The easy part is the melee part, kiting them in 1-2 balde barrier is easy. The priest/caster part is more annoying. First they will dispel you, second they won't run so nicely into the blade.
The most "difficult" part of the quest is to kill one of the summoners, there is one tht you cannot reach (except with good jumo skill) but this is optionnal.
I strongly advice to do the melee part first and the priest last (to save the bufs). Note also that fire resist is almost compulsory and that acid resist may help too.
I always get the heavy fort item at or before level 9 here, unless I already have something standing by; then I get something else.
I always solo it on casual for the ore, then exit out. I also often take people there to get a heavy fort item, and yes, I have put up LFM's stating 'join if you want heavy fortitude'.
Fun quest btw.
Jyn... Kender... Thelanis
*Insert clever comment here*
Great guide, +1.
Any chance this can be stickied? It's such a great way for F2P to get heavy fort, and tends to get missed because the quest giver is such a looooooong way from the quest entrance.
Terebinthia, Terebynthia, Tereana, Tereaina, Tereanna, Terebyte, Terechan, Terebinthis
The Hand of the Black Tower, Khyber.
Cupcakes welcomed.