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While functional stances is nice, the decision to make divine righteousness not stack with the stance is pretty poor. +50% threat is not an adequate tool for a s/b character to retain aggro from dps characters on DDO. It should not be a threat loss to activate your stance and lose Song of Recklessness, but it will be.
I play a character who is extremely optimized for dealing damage with 1 hand. I require minimal rampup time even in combat expertise when using divine righteousness. I will not be able to get by using the 50% from the stance when others are dpsing my target. In consequence, I will gain primarily a secondary benefit: extra threat while others are killing Suulomades in tod, for example.
However, my character is optimized to use divine righteousness and can still barely do so effectively. I have the paladin capstone, paladin damage buffs, the Khopesh feat exclusively for my s/b dps, an extremely high strength and great divine might, etc. More of my feats are devoted to DPS than are devoted to my armor class.
Many people have made defender builds, both paladin and fighter, which were defensive in nature, enhancing intimidate, dr, and other defensive effects. These characters remain ineffective, because a 50% threat modifier will not even come close to enabling them to hold aggro; in many cases they are 30-40% dps behind my S/B mode. Not using Khopeshes, having starting strengths well below 17-18, etc are tremendously negative effects on their threat generation. It is really unfortunate that these builds and characters are not supported by the defender lines. Not being specced to deal damage is a gigantic problem to overcome on DDO in general because its so rare that traits that aren't damage dealing are useful. These builds are being told that they are in fact not just usually useless, but always useless and the only way to do the job for which they're created is, again, to max out their dps as much as possible.
This is even worse for fighters, who have no divine righteousness option.
A much better alternative would have been to accord the stances larger bonuses (topping out at +100%, possibly), and then if divine righteousness is intended to be slightly better than stance, reduce its benefit and make it stack.
Right now, you can get better threat generation through investing in 6 paladin levels (divine righteousness) than you can gain from 18 levels of fighter or paladin. The defensive stances are further relative nerfs to threat generation because of the loss of rage effects, especially inspire recklessness. If you want to be a good threat tank on DDO, the last thing you want to do is be a defender, or if you are one, use a defensive stance. Outside their +4 ac modifier, they are entirely inferior to the buffs which they now preclude you from gaining. You gain more damage and more hit points from rage+madstone rage+inspire recklessness than you could possibly garner from defensive stance.
Further, this contributes to the already-noticable factor that defender of siberys is less appealing than stalwart defender:
Defender of Siberys' threat generation is superceded by a level 6 enhancement; hybrid fighter/paladins can stack that enhancement with stalwart stance.
Defender of Siberys provides +1 ac above its dex-bonus/stance modifiers (improved auras). Stalwart defender provides 3 more (1 ac per tier).
Stalwart defender provides static dr/6. Defender of Siberys provides 3 clicky effects that compete with the much more important divine might/divine righteousness for turn undead usage: a magic circle effect, a mass shield of faith effect, and a very powerful 30s buff on a 5m cooldown.
Defender of Siberys provides some useful modifications to generalist paladin abilities (extra lay on hands, extra turn undead attempt) which do help compensate for this drawback.
However, its disturbing when the main focus of both enhancement lines is tanking and armor class, and the fighter line consistently provides larger benefits (ac), unique benefits (dr) or benefit stacking not available to the paladin variant (threat generation). It would be appropriate if the paladin variant contained some of its own inherent, tank-related benefit, like increased healing amplification or something else appropriate to the paladin class. However, it doesn't.
There's also the fact that, now, defender of siberys is gigantically more expensive in terms of AP than stalwart defender, because the standardization of "improved skill" enhancements does not benefit paladins whatsoever, as all their prestige enhancement lines require specific paladin abilities that were not impacted by this change. Defender of Siberys is incredibly expensive in AP terms on the most AP-intensive class in the game.
While I'd agree a stacking +200% threat modifier might have been an outsized compensation for this, in practice paladin tank play will not change more than the tiniest little bit due to this change, as divine righteousness will remain essential for doing the job, and it renders the stance's threat benefit completely obsolete.