Where did I say that I was on a "jihad" to get her fired? I'm not trying to get her fired, nor do I even expect anything to "come of it"- I came here to ask if anyone was able to direct me as to where I could file a report or how the best way to deal with it was.
As to telling her off to her face, there are two reasons I didn't. The first was that I was simply shocked out of speaking. The second is that I have spent the last week in pain as well as going through narcotic withdrawal. I landed myself a nice little hospital visit over the past weekend, too. If you were in pain and going through withdrawal, are you going to tell off the one person who may be able to help you at that given moment? Didn't think so.
Also, last time I checked, "telling someone off" to their face and starting a scene is not really the adult way of doing something.
I'm only 15 minutes away from Ontario... the thought has crossed my mind. Not just for the health care- I <3 Canada.