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  1. #1
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Default Some truly disgusting behaviour- taking advice

    Some background info-
    My boyfriend and I just moved to Buffalo, NY from Philly. My parents are here and I have been out of work for over a year, the BF lost his job due to lack of federal funding in June. We are college educated, me with a B.A. and him with a Ph.D. I am a professional Horticulturist and he is a Microbiologist with a specialty in Gene Therapy.

    I have several health issues that require care- one of which is chronic pain due to an auto-immune disorder. I have carried and paid for private insurance my whole life, but unfortunately recently needed to apply for Medicaid to help with the expenses and care of this condition.

    Here's the problem-
    I went to the Doctor's office yesterday morning and was seen by the Nurse Practitioner to try and get a referral to a pain management clinic. She started off the exam by asking me why my boyfriend and I moved to NY state- I told her that we had to leave Philly because we lost our jobs. Her response was "So, you came here to take advantage of the benefits that NYS has to offer... I see." At this point, I was already pretty offended by that one statement. She then asked me what I had done up until the visit to try and get care- I told her that I had called around to several doctors and pain management clinics, but was unable to secure an appointment because none of the offices accepted Medicaid.

    At this point, she shifts in her chair, sighs and asks me in a rather snotty voice- "Well, have you ever considered getting a job? Because you know, if you had a job with health insurance, you wouldn't be having this issue now, would you?"

    Needless to say, I was floored. Not only did I find it to be extremely rude and condescending, it is unprofessional. Yes, jobs are just falling off the trees, especially the ones with Health Insurance... I've worked my whole life and I would love to be working now. I was very offended- none of this had anything to do with my care and she appeared to be injecting whatever political beliefs she had on what should have been a Doctor's visit to discuss my treatment.

    So, I'm pretty unhappy with this and now I'm off to try and find a new Dr. I just don't feel comfortable going back there with that kind of treatment. Even though I won't be going back, I'd like to somehow file a complaint... do I file with a Nurse's Association? I know there is a procedure to make a formal complaint in regards to Doctors, but I'm unaware as to how to make a complaint for a nurse. Any help or suggestions that could be given are appreciated.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  2. #2
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    I had something similar happen to me. I would skip the nurses association, as its Union run, and they will just bury it. I would contact the Dr. of the actual office you went to (typically there is a 'head' dr that will over see the office, in addition to having patients). If s/he does not satisfy you, you could look at a BBB complaint or something of that sort.

    Sooner is much better then later.

    Personally I would considering finding what car s/he drove and key it... not the best solution
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

  3. #3
    Community Member Valezra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    Some background info-
    My boyfriend and I just moved to Buffalo, NY from Philly. My parents are here and I have been out of work for over a year, the BF lost his job due to lack of federal funding in June. We are college educated, me with a B.A. and him with a Ph.D. I am a professional Horticulturist and he is a Microbiologist with a specialty in Gene Therapy.

    I have several health issues that require care- one of which is chronic pain due to an auto-immune disorder. I have carried and paid for private insurance my whole life, but unfortunately recently needed to apply for Medicaid to help with the expenses and care of this condition.

    Here's the problem-
    I went to the Doctor's office yesterday morning and was seen by the Nurse Practitioner to try and get a referral to a pain management clinic. She started off the exam by asking me why my boyfriend and I moved to NY state- I told her that we had to leave Philly because we lost our jobs. Her response was "So, you came here to take advantage of the benefits that NYS has to offer... I see." At this point, I was already pretty offended by that one statement. She then asked me what I had done up until the visit to try and get care- I told her that I had called around to several doctors and pain management clinics, but was unable to secure an appointment because none of the offices accepted Medicaid.

    At this point, she shifts in her chair, sighs and asks me in a rather snotty voice- "Well, have you ever considered getting a job? Because you know, if you had a job with health insurance, you wouldn't be having this issue now, would you?"

    Needless to say, I was floored. Not only did I find it to be extremely rude and condescending, it is unprofessional. Yes, jobs are just falling off the trees, especially the ones with Health Insurance... I've worked my whole life and I would love to be working now. I was very offended- none of this had anything to do with my care and she appeared to be injecting whatever political beliefs she had on what should have been a Doctor's visit to discuss my treatment.

    So, I'm pretty unhappy with this and now I'm off to try and find a new Dr. I just don't feel comfortable going back there with that kind of treatment. Even though I won't be going back, I'd like to somehow file a complaint... do I file with a Nurse's Association? I know there is a procedure to make a formal complaint in regards to Doctors, but I'm unaware as to how to make a complaint for a nurse. Any help or suggestions that could be given are appreciated.
    It's too late now but the best thing would have been to set her straight right then and there, then ask for the doctor or her supervisor.


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  4. #4
    Community Member systemstate's Avatar
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    Wow, that was exceptionally unprofessional. Can't you just report the Nurse to her management? You may even be able to report this type of behavior to Medicaid.
    Have a nice day!

  5. #5
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    State Medical Board. She is licensed and you can make and official complaint. They will investigate it.

  6. #6
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    Some people are jerks. Not every snide/offensive/rude comment needs to be met with a professional I'm-gonna-get-you-fired jihad. Tell her off to her face (and possibly her bosses face) like an adult and get on with life.

  7. #7
    Community Member KannyaAryien's Avatar
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    That's total ****, hon. I'm sorry she was such a tool to you.

    I would report it to the head doctor, and her supervisor if it were me. That sort of thing just serves to lose their office business.
    Kannyaheals, lvl 20 Cleric...Kannya, lvl 20 rogue...Kanbeats, lvl 20 intimitank...Kanya, lvl 14 halfling tosser...Kankan, lvl 11 pally thing...Kancast, lvl 18 wizzy

  8. #8
    Community Member systemstate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stainer View Post
    State Medical Board. She is licensed and you can make and official complaint. They will investigate it.
    Good call Stainer!
    Have a nice day!

  9. #9
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Last edited by stainer; 11-04-2010 at 10:03 AM. Reason: correct link

  10. #10
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    I would have asked her is she values hers. You went to a pain management center, not a psycologist or a financial advisor.

    "I need you to assist me with the things you are qualified to assist me with, and I dont require your input about my personal matters. I brought the riot act with me today, would you like me to read it to you?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  11. #11
    Community Member KannyaAryien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    Some people are jerks. Not every snide/offensive/rude comment needs to be met with a professional I'm-gonna-get-you-fired jihad. Tell her off to her face (and possibly her bosses face) like an adult and get on with life.
    Rude much? Getting on with life is hard enough when debilitating pain has you on your back/stomach for the bulk of the day. To be treated like that when seeking help is horrible, and I personally think Phalaeo is coming here as an adult for adult advice.

    Any of the suggestions voiced so far are appropriate, in my opinion. It's up to her which she chooses.
    Kannyaheals, lvl 20 Cleric...Kannya, lvl 20 rogue...Kanbeats, lvl 20 intimitank...Kanya, lvl 14 halfling tosser...Kankan, lvl 11 pally thing...Kancast, lvl 18 wizzy

  12. #12
    Community Member dior10276's Avatar
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    Default Sorry for your troubles


    As a healthcare provider that accepts medicaid patients, let me first apologize to you. You should expect the same service and care regardless of your insurance status with absolutely no judgement as to why you are in the situation or condition that you are in.

    As far as complainig, I believe I would take several routes.

    1st - I would ask to speak to a office manager to give an explanationas to what occured
    2nd - I would then ask to send an email discussing the nurses behavior with the doctor if he/she has a line of communication open using that format
    3rd - the nurses do have a board and I am sure there is a way to file a complaint
    4th - upon doing 1 and 2, with no resolution, I would complain to Medicaid. They have a responsibility to listen and act upon any complaints made by indviduals regarding all aspects of care and interactions.
    5th - You may complain to the state medical board as well. They also should act just and swiftly

    Lastly, just remember if no one else were in the room, this will be a war of words, so unless there is some sort of pattern, may not get as much in the way of attention that you might be hoping for.

  13. #13
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    I would agree that reporting her to the doctor that runs the practice is the way to go, and if that doesn't get you anywhere than take it to the state medical board. Odds are that you're not the only one that has gotten this poor attitude from this individual and her boss really does need to know. Also, if I were you I would reconsider your decision to find another doctor. The number of doctors in New York State that accept medicare/medicaid as payment is low and shrinking and finding a decent doctor that takes government insurance might be difficult, especially if your condition is complicated as chronic ones often are.

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by KannyaAryien View Post
    Rude much?
    Not really. Oversensitive much? Tell her off, tell her boss, and put it out of your mind. There are bigger things to worry about. How is that rude? Not sure why you're choosing to put such a negative spin on my 'get on with life'.

  15. #15
    Community Member zorander6's Avatar
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    Unfortunately since you are on medicaid you will see a lot of this most likely. You should have demanded a supervisor then and there and asked her to repeat her statement. Find out if NY is a one party recording state (if you are part of the conversation you can record the conversation without informing the other party.) Also file a complaint with the state medical board. As Dior says though right now it will turn into a he said/she said war and most likely action won't be taken.

    Otherwise I hope you find a group willing to help you with your issues and I'll kill some kobolds tonight for job hunting luck.
    Cannith - Falconsbane(8 - 3rd life), NeedOil (14), NeedMead, Needfood, hobbitarcher(5)
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    The first rule of the trashcan guild is expect to die...
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  16. #16
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stainer View Post
    State Medical Board. She is licensed and you can make and official complaint. They will investigate it.
    My wife works in health care as well - and this type of behavior from any kind of provider is simply inappropriate.

    The New York State Medical Board has a Professional Medical Conduct and Physician Discipline page on their website where you can find links to contact them or to file a complaint. L I N K

    Best of luck to you. I'd be filing complaints as well.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  17. #17
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    State medical board you shouldnt have to put up with that. I am in the medical field and would report such behavior if I saw it.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  18. #18
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Move to Canada.

  19. #19
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    I'm completely serious when I say:

    Tell her to lay off. Mind her own business.

    Note that I'd add more 'colourful language' if it were not for the censors.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  20. #20
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    In addition to filing a professional complaint, I'd file a complaint with the clinic you were in. The doc in charge may not appreciate that type of customer service.

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