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Thread: Abbot

  1. #61
    Community Member Hokonoso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Wow this thread has really gotten out of hand. Everyone here knows that the tile room is (for the most part) not being completed the way it was intended. Everyone here knows that most of you guys are doing it the "exploit" way. There is no point in arguing with this the raid was NOT designed to be completed in this fashion. And like I said I've been working hard with my guildies and even pugs that join my LFM to learn goggles the legit way. Freezing your client is weak and personally I think it's fun doing it legit.
    lol blame me, it was my post that turned it awry. ive done abbot more times than i can count and have done it many times legit, but eventually i got tired of failing and half the time i want to run abbot i lead the raid myself and end up doing goggles since i dont trust others to not fail, but it seems 90% of all my abbot failures are in roids and the other 10% are in ice... neither of which are being exploited!!!!!!!! ill start caring about the methods when people can pug and not fail at roids, until then if im leading the raid ima cheese my arse thru goggles and i wont complain if i join a raid and that is the method they are using. on a side note i wont get mad at all if i join a raid and the leader is doing goggles legit, ive done it this way many times and have no problem doing it this way in the future... also goggles is much faster than ice/roids so imo all the pikers should go to goggles instead of roids and try to learn the puzzle/get across if the original people fail etc...

    on a side note, after bout 50 runs or so with kehg leading and doing goggles legit and failing....... well let's just say im tired of failing a puzzle. other day me and kegh where in a raid and the raid leader stuck me and kehg in goggles and went to ice legit with someone, they failed ice and i simply bailed, im sorry but i was just not in the mood to repeat a simple puzzle like that and i simply did not rejoin the raid. i know ive gotten impatient as i get older, but when ppl fail what i consider to be easy i simply rather leave/quit than go thru the hassle of caring. my general stance on things is apathy, i dont care enough to get angry...

  2. #62
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hokonoso View Post
    lol blame me, it was my post that turned it awry. ive done abbot more times than i can count and have done it many times legit, but eventually i got tired of failing and half the time i want to run abbot i lead the raid myself and end up doing goggles since i dont trust others to not fail, but it seems 90% of all my abbot failures are in roids and the other 10% are in ice... neither of which are being exploited!!!!!!!! ill start caring about the methods when people can pug and not fail at roids, until then if im leading the raid ima cheese my arse thru goggles and i wont complain if i join a raid and that is the method they are using. on a side note i wont get mad at all if i join a raid and the leader is doing goggles legit, ive done it this way many times and have no problem doing it this way in the future... also goggles is much faster than ice/roids so imo all the pikers should go to goggles instead of roids and try to learn the puzzle/get across if the original people fail etc...

    on a side note, after bout 50 runs or so with kehg leading and doing goggles legit and failing....... well let's just say im tired of failing a puzzle. other day me and kegh where in a raid and the raid leader stuck me and kehg in goggles and went to ice legit with someone, they failed ice and i simply bailed, im sorry but i was just not in the mood to repeat a simple puzzle like that and i simply did not rejoin the raid. i know ive gotten impatient as i get older, but when ppl fail what i consider to be easy i simply rather leave/quit than go thru the hassle of caring. my general stance on things is apathy, i dont care enough to get angry...
    Don't get me wrong I can't stand pugs who fail roids I flip my sh!t. And as far as pikers in roids have gone, I've started putting them in goggles as well for 1) to get a chance to see goggles and what's going on and 2) be another body to attempt to get across successfully. What happens if the devs decide one day to fix this? Then everyone has no choice but to complete it the proper way. I understand about doing it so many times you just want to get it done, but we aren't doing ourselves or the server any good to learn goggles when we are cheesing it incase one day t he devs do decide to "fix" this.

  3. #63
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hokonoso View Post
    lol blame me, it was my post that turned it awry. ive done abbot more times than i can count and have done it many times legit, but eventually i got tired of failing and half the time i want to run abbot i lead the raid myself and end up doing goggles since i dont trust others to not fail, but it seems 90% of all my abbot failures are in roids and the other 10% are in ice... neither of which are being exploited!!!!!!!! ill start caring about the methods when people can pug and not fail at roids, until then if im leading the raid ima cheese my arse thru goggles and i wont complain if i join a raid and that is the method they are using. on a side note i wont get mad at all if i join a raid and the leader is doing goggles legit, ive done it this way many times and have no problem doing it this way in the future... also goggles is much faster than ice/roids so imo all the pikers should go to goggles instead of roids and try to learn the puzzle/get across if the original people fail etc...

    on a side note, after bout 50 runs or so with kehg leading and doing goggles legit and failing....... well let's just say im tired of failing a puzzle. other day me and kegh where in a raid and the raid leader stuck me and kehg in goggles and went to ice legit with someone, they failed ice and i simply bailed, im sorry but i was just not in the mood to repeat a simple puzzle like that and i simply did not rejoin the raid. i know ive gotten impatient as i get older, but when ppl fail what i consider to be easy i simply rather leave/quit than go thru the hassle of caring. my general stance on things is apathy, i dont care enough to get angry...
    Since when did failing a puzzle cause the raid to fail?
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  4. #64
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Don't get me wrong I can't stand pugs who fail roids I flip my sh!t. And as far as pikers in roids have gone, I've started putting them in goggles as well for 1) to get a chance to see goggles and what's going on and 2) be another body to attempt to get across successfully. What happens if the devs decide one day to fix this? Then everyone has no choice but to complete it the proper way. I understand about doing it so many times you just want to get it done, but we aren't doing ourselves or the server any good to learn goggles when we are cheesing it incase one day t he devs do decide to "fix" this.
    I disagree. What I read when I read hokos post is, "I cant be troubled to do it right, so I exploit my way through."
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  5. #65
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    Default ...

    ...I'd rather see the devs make monsters go into a frenzy and kill the person in their way, if they cant get through the door to the caster because someone is blocking it...
    Kehgeld of Sarlona

  6. #66
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    I disagree. What I read when I read hokos post is, "I cant be troubled to do it right, so I exploit my way through."
    Meh, to each his own. We're not going to change how someone does their raid it's not possible. But what we can do is help people learn the right way so hopefully they can continue that in their raids and pass it on to others. We can't just come here to the boards and scream "do it this way or else" it takes time and people like us that know what were doing to help everyone out to do it the right away. That way cheesing can be abandoned and it would be the player base decitating that not the devs by changing it on us.

  7. #67
    Community Member twizznach's Avatar
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    Wow 4 pages arguing about how to do goggles in abbot... That quest has always been done using game bugs though.

    Remeber when rangers would range him from the entrance and go afk till he was dead with auto atack on? Remember when people would wait 1 hour for his mantle to go down and firewall him? And finaly the goggles thing... In all honesty some people who havent farmed it to death might wana do it a particular legit way but once you have over 100 completions on several toons you simply dont care you just want it done and over with.

    I dont lead abbots not anymore and will do it any way leader decides, but this raid is created in such a way that there are 2 many variables that can almost instantly make it a fail. All it takes is 1 screw up to have to redo the whole thing ( not everytime) and i value my time enough to not want to spend 2 much of it redoing abbot. So if people are not competent enough to complete it legit then just get it done and i dont care how, just do it before i /rage quit. Even now i dont understand how poeple dont realize that anyone can survive an inferno with nothing more than a mantle of the wordshaper and a decurse pot...

    PS 99% of people who've completed abbot prior to few months ago did it using one so called "exploit" or another

  8. #68
    Founder Cashiry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hokonoso View Post
    also goggles is much faster than ice/roids so imo all the pikers should go to goggles instead of roids and try to learn the puzzle/get across if the original people fail etc...
    Roving Guns - Sarlona

  9. #69
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twizznach View Post
    Wow 4 pages arguing about how to do goggles in abbot... That quest has always been done using game bugs though.

    Remeber when rangers would range him from the entrance and go afk till he was dead with auto atack on? Remember when people would wait 1 hour for his mantle to go down and firewall him? And finaly the goggles thing... In all honesty some people who havent farmed it to death might wana do it a particular legit way but once you have over 100 completions on several toons you simply dont care you just want it done and over with.

    I dont lead abbots not anymore and will do it any way leader decides, but this raid is created in such a way that there are 2 many variables that can almost instantly make it a fail. All it takes is 1 screw up to have to redo the whole thing ( not everytime) and i value my time enough to not want to spend 2 much of it redoing abbot. So if people are not competent enough to complete it legit then just get it done and i dont care how, just do it before i /rage quit. Even now i dont understand how poeple dont realize that anyone can survive an inferno with nothing more than a mantle of the wordshaper and a decurse pot...

    PS 99% of people who've completed abbot prior to few months ago did it using one so called "exploit" or another

    Yes on sarlona they did but that doesnt mean it has to be done like that now.

    Yes the design is in such a way that it can be easy to fail. But if people would employ slightly different tactics, it wouldnt be that hard to have a high completion rate.

    That said training abbot puzzles does take significantly longer, esp tiles. But if more people did it legit, it wouldnt take long before those completion times are knocked way down.

    Oh and panzy just because something has always been done a certain way, doesnt mean its the correct way.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  10. #70
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    Yes on sarlona they did but that doesnt mean it has to be done like that now.

    Yes the design is in such a way that it can be easy to fail. But if people would employ slightly different tactics, it wouldnt be that hard to have a high completion rate.

    That said training abbot puzzles does take significantly longer, esp tiles. But if more people did it legit, it wouldnt take long before those completion times are knocked way down.

    Oh and panzy just because something has always been done a certain way, doesnt mean its the correct way.

    This is it. It's gonna take time, but anyone that joins my LFM that's a pug for abbot I as well as some of my guildmates will take the time to help them practice and hopefully learn goggles legit. We'll need help from other raid leaders as well though, can't do it alone.

  11. #71
    Community Member twizznach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    Yes on sarlona they did but that doesnt mean it has to be done like that now.

    Yes the design is in such a way that it can be easy to fail. But if people would employ slightly different tactics, it wouldnt be that hard to have a high completion rate.

    That said training abbot puzzles does take significantly longer, esp tiles. But if more people did it legit, it wouldnt take long before those completion times are knocked way down.

    Oh and panzy just because something has always been done a certain way, doesnt mean its the correct way.
    true enough <3

  12. #72
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    This is it. It's gonna take time, but anyone that joins my LFM that's a pug for abbot I as well as some of my guildmates will take the time to help them practice and hopefully learn goggles legit. We'll need help from other raid leaders as well though, can't do it alone.
    As you know I have been and will continue to do so, though I havent lead a ton of raids since u7 came out (lil rl mixed with horc release )

    I will keep it up if panzy farms epic scrolls for me. That way everyone wins
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  13. #73
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    As you know I have been and will continue to do so, though I havent lead a ton of raids since u7 came out (lil rl mixed with horc release )

    I will keep it up if panzy farms epic scrolls for me. That way everyone wins

    Even your unbound loot comes via piking!! You're piking skills are too strong for me.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    if panzy farms epic scrolls for me. That way everyone wins your ok with exploiting game mechanics to get scrolls...interesting...
    Kehgeld of Sarlona

  15. #75
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Even your unbound loot comes via piking!! You're piking skills are too strong for me.
    So i join a cruicible pug yesterday while waiting for a few guildies to log on. Its 3 chinese guys spamming party chat but im not sure what they are saying. My chinese speaking guildie was busy in an epic chains so i couldnt get translation.

    They were in already. I run to quest and get to maze, I charge in and help them start killing. They were not picking up any crests just changing the door pattern.

    I follow them back to the front of the maze and they just stand there typing in party chat. Finally one says to me, "Quikkilla stay here"

    I say ok and off they go.

    They bypass the maze horn, and move on. 45 minutes later they tell me to come on if I like. we go complete.

    My piking reputation has gone international. I am now Sarlona's biggest hun hun
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  16. #76
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tat2Freak View Post your ok with exploiting game mechanics to get scrolls...interesting...
    No that would be your department wouldnt it?

    I assume panzy is farming scrolls the same way I do, killing a bunch of mobs, if there is something else going on I am unaware of it.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    No that would be your department wouldnt it?

    I assume panzy is farming scrolls the same way I do, killing a bunch of mobs, if there is something else going on I am unaware of it.
    Yeah i just bet your completing the quest your killing those mobs in too..****, hypocrite...(lol learned to spell a word today)
    Last edited by Tat2Freak; 11-04-2010 at 02:16 PM.
    Kehgeld of Sarlona

  18. #78
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    So i join a cruicible pug yesterday while waiting for a few guildies to log on. Its 3 chinese guys spamming party chat but im not sure what they are saying. My chinese speaking guildie was busy in an epic chains so i couldnt get translation.

    They were in already. I run to quest and get to maze, I charge in and help them start killing. They were not picking up any crests just changing the door pattern.

    I follow them back to the front of the maze and they just stand there typing in party chat. Finally one says to me, "Quikkilla stay here"

    I say ok and off they go.

    They bypass the maze horn, and move on. 45 minutes later they tell me to come on if I like. we go complete.

    My piking reputation has gone international. I am now Sarlona's biggest hun hun
    I'll admit I'm a tad bit envious.

  19. #79
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tat2Freak View Post
    Yeah i just bet your completing the quest your killing those mobs in too..****, hippocratic..
    So let me see if I got this straight. Youre saying because I go into a quest, kill mobs for possible scroll drops, and dont complete, im somehow exploiting? LMAO youre reaching bub. How about running desert quests looking for people to umd flaming sphere scrolls for ya

    Get out of here trying to accuse me of exploiting game mechanics. If I do it/did it ill cop to it. Which is more than I can say for a lot of people.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  20. #80
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    lol, so...when its convenient for you we need to do stuff as the devs intended...but when its change your i said...
    Kehgeld of Sarlona

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