No its a horrible assumption because zerging =! exploiting.
2 things about your complaint of the moral high ground:
A. Many people have felt this way for a long time, I know of quite a few of them. I have personally felt this way for a while. Yes I will repect the leader of the group, and do the raid as they wish. Im not going to throw a hissy fit about it in game. However, I wont lead a group that uses exploits. All of my abbot raids solve tiles legit. Period. Cheesy tactics may and have been used from time to time, but not without a legit attempt.
B. There is nothing wrong with taking the moral high ground all of a sudden. It happens all the time. People change. The fact that someone wants to do the raid legit is not cause for you to ostracize them because they now choose to do so.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns dont get me wrong...I understand what you guys are doing...being a zerger/powergamer is one level, being a zerger/powergamer and doing things the one way a dev envisioned it is another level(probally the pinnacle).
BUT, on that note the fuss about cheese in this quest is getting old. I could go into all the things we as a collective have done, but Im not mad enough yet, and if in that list there is a single thing you(in the general sense you) have done...well anyway, Im sure youve heard the expression...let him cast the first stone...
Last edited by Tat2Freak; 11-04-2010 at 11:59 AM.
Kehgeld of Sarlona
Ive already admitted to using the incorrect goggle method. So what exactly are you going to call me out on.
When I started doing abbot, I couldnt find a pug on sarlona that was solving goggles legit.
I got flagged, and had a friend of mine from RG (who I knew solved legit as a guild) show me and another friend the basics of the raid. Me and 1 other two boxed as spotters, the rest of us went into tiles. We practiced how to solve legit.
After I learned how to solve legit I started joining pugs. I never did tiles due to the fact that people were using exploits to solve.
After waiting a long time for a solver one day, I decided to go ahead and learn it. I can /have done it.
That said, I dont join a ton of abbot lfms anymore as I have talked my guild into doing it more often. In those runs we solve tiles legit. I have quit teaching people how to do the exploit, and will only teach how to solve legit.
You think that because I have done something one way (the incorrect way imo) that I should give up trying to do it the right way, or teaching people to do it the right way, or insist that in my raids its done the right way, you are sadly mistaken.
When you came back to the game and made this big public announcement of how you had changed, and you were more mellow, and you werent going to kheg rage on newbs all the time anymore, you didnt see me there lining up to knock you down did you? No you didnt. Because I thought it was admirable that you were trying to change your inappropriate behavior. I supported you in that even if I didnt get you in group and raw raw your turned leaf.
So I ask you now, why the hate if people are trying to get others on sarlona to solve this raid legit?
The last thread I posted about this I had lots and lots of pms from people on different servers that were basically rofl at the fact that sarlona, as a rule, exploits to complete tiles.
When I went to argo, my guildies rofl laughing that sarlona, as a rule, exploits to complete tiles.
The problem is so rampant now, that any hope of getting the server to do this raid the correct way, is an uphill struggle, because people like Hoko (using you as an example here since you posted it) would rather complete timely then ensure the raid is being done correct, so they can get their loots. I mean what exactly is the point of playing if you arent having some fun?
Instead of being defensive, and trying to knock people down that are doing the right thing, why not stand up with us, and make people solve legit in the runs you lead. Heck I was in a run a few weeks ago that you ran and you failed like 6 times and you didnt mind at all, you kept telling people how they were going to get better loot for it. Why not teach people how to solve tiles, instead of putting X pikers to /sleep in goggles. Make them a part of the raid, and maybe they will take some ownership in it. Instead of just being ok with another wipe.
People dont learn legit solving because the powergamers are teaching illegitimate techniques. If everyone that was running the raid taught others how to do it right, it would be very similar to how it is now. Runs would be fast, if not faster, and everyone would be happy.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
Last edited by Quikster; 11-04-2010 at 12:16 PM.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
What's this "googles exploit" everyone it's talking about? (Just to point out; i've never seen the whole tiles room at all, since usually i'm on ice duty/asteroid-sleep-duty).