Sarlona... learn how to do the abbot the proper way.... and do the puzzles correctly!
Those that can complete it properly need not worry about this post... That is all
Cash out...
Sarlona... learn how to do the abbot the proper way.... and do the puzzles correctly!
Those that can complete it properly need not worry about this post... That is all
Cash out...
Roving Guns - Sarlona
never done it as i don't have the pack - (and slight tangent: which should i buy, necro 4 or amrath?) that said, what is the right way to run this raid?
Last edited by k0ukla; 11-04-2010 at 12:47 AM.
Khyber - Indianna ~ Cleric, Museek ~ Bard, Hjeeelme ~ FvS/Mnk, Suganspyyce ~ Rgr/MnkOriginally Posted by Nexx
*^* Member/Bubble Girl ~ Forgotten Souls *^*
The reason is you wil want a ToD ring set and there is alot of good loot out in those quests also
Khyber - Indianna ~ Cleric, Museek ~ Bard, Hjeeelme ~ FvS/Mnk, Suganspyyce ~ Rgr/MnkOriginally Posted by Nexx
*^* Member/Bubble Girl ~ Forgotten Souls *^*
theyre talkin end game.
necro 4 is some amazing xp for fast quests.
amazing for a TR or if you want something different to gianthold
back to the OP
trying to get gogs legit. feel horrible when were in the raid for like 30 mins and fail and ive wasted everyones time.
also a reason ppl will stop going to ur raids. you can cheese thru in 5 min or you can wipe for 30min and still fail in the end.
people dont do abbot for fun, they do it for loots. this is coming from someone that can do all 3 puzzles legit, id rather watch paint dry than attempt it in a pug however.
I need to finish Litany and then I would be more than willing to learn the puzzles. I would just need someone willing to teach them.
Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
Yesterday (or today) I was on 2 attempts of Abbot, and became aware that a friend of mine had been on a 6-straight failed attempts...
May I inquire which one of those 2 cases are you talking about?
"When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."
Tiles is not that hard to do... all it takes is a little practice... which you can do without even being in the quest..... just find some tiles that are on the ground(i.e. just to the left of the entrance of the abbot) and practice the mirror me method.... simple... thats how we teach people in RG how to do tiles...
Simple commands:
Move to me and Mirror Me...
Blue tile: stay in place...
Guide repositions:
Move to me and Mirror Me...
Blue tile: stay in place...
Turn face the end... run and your done... easy
Last edited by Cashiry; 11-04-2010 at 10:30 AM.
Roving Guns - Sarlona
The only people who will stop coming to his raids are people who would rather zerg and/or exploit. This is not a bad thing, since the people who want to run it legit are not usually zergers or exploiters. Once he gets a reputation as a completionist, the people who will join his groups will be people who enjoy the same type of game play.
Win / Win no matter how you look at it. :-)