Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
probably wanted to save his sp for healing himself and leeching off others. i ran into a ranger that did that with resists. we completed the quest and ended up right back in another together where he promptly resisted himself and half the group. i asked him about it and he played like he had never done it in the previous quest. on top of that, he ran around the whole time bragging about how awesome he was with his tumbleweed. eventually, he ****ed off the healer and was left to fend for himself the rest of the way. he tr'ed now but i wouldn't join any group i saw him in after that no matter how bad i wanted to run that particular quest/raid
madizm | avania | sickcide | seleenious | sicklecell
I'll never forget the Rogue with a Wizard level I met in Shroud once who yelled at me for not giving him Resist Poison when I solo-healed the raid for his guild on my FvS.
When I told him he should just drink pots, he said they were too expensive. So I sent him some.
Here's the response I got...
Last edited by AylinIsAwesome; 11-04-2010 at 02:38 AM.
Yeah Aylin. He sure told you where to put it. Also, a real healer spams Break Enchantment into the group ALONG WITH their mass heals/cures at all times because the meele should never have to remove their own curses.
Greebles, Kyarane, Shandria, Grinhold, Alacya, Manufactured: Cannith
he could of been joking when he said that, maybe he was out of componants or something?
Didnt he realise that your a fs so have a limmited spell selection? i never take anything for granted when it comes to fs and sorc buffing spells. I dont have any idea about how many spells you get at that level and what you get to choose from so have no idea. Pots =win cause you cant always count on someone having what you need or death or debuffs during quests.
One of the main reasons I like playing Rangers is because they CAN self-buff/self-resist, and have SP left over to hit others in the party as well. I always tell the Clerics that I can take care of the initial resists and FoM (if needed) for the party, and I always ask if anyone wants Barkskin - most times EVERYONE says "yes". I find it hard to believe that a Ranger of that level wouldn't have either some form of Proof against Poison item to switch to (I've got at least 2 in my backpack, and a couple sitting in my shared bank, and I don't have a character above 15 yet) or else have the spell memorized - there are so many places where you need it that I can't imagine NOT having it. I'll go with what a few others have said - give the guy the benefit of the doubt and maybe he was out of SP or components or something like that.
I play this game. It is fun.
Morlen - Vigo - Siliana - Ragz - Jeeyou Knit - EnZeroZeroBe - Joeb - Kiandra - Tenju - Freakadroid - Asteri
Server: Ghallanda - Member: ToHitArmorClassZero
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
I guess to emphasize my point, yes I DO think you should use remove poison pots/wands. However, I don't think people should be flamed for asking for a simple buff.
I play this game. It is fun.
Morlen - Vigo - Siliana - Ragz - Jeeyou Knit - EnZeroZeroBe - Joeb - Kiandra - Tenju - Freakadroid - Asteri
Server: Ghallanda - Member: ToHitArmorClassZero
A couple of things here...
1) Poison pots should be carried by all fleshies full stop. If you are in a shroud you have plenty of money to buy them.
2) All rangers should carry FoM because it is the best buff they can cast full stop. ****skin, resist, poison, et al all come in pots.
3) All rangers should carry Poison because, really, what else is there to take? I am tired of hearing "this is my playstyle" when all you are doing is intentionally gimping yourself. That being said, poison is relatively unimportant - see point (1)
4) On a lighter note, I actually had this conversation a few months back when Shrouding on my ranger:
Noobsauce01: Are you going to give me poison?
Me: No.
Noobsauce01: Dude, you're a ranger.
Me: Dude, you're a warforged.
To be fair this was somone who just forgot that they were on their WF, but it still cracked me up.