Did I miss a memo?
Did I miss a memo?
Ghallanda- Giselle 20 Cleric; Feylan 20 Wizard; Alissin 20 Bard; Sumeko 20 Cleric; Sabelle 20 Sorcerer; Deyaanira 8 Barb TR; Birrgitte 20 Ranger; Arangar 20 Rogue; Lynden 18 Fighter/2 Rogue; Pyrogasmic 19 Sorcerer; Cyy 2 Fighter 18 Ranger; Fyonah 2 Rogue 10 Bard 2 Fighter; and more that I'm entirely too lazy to list...
Yap, Client says taht the server is down. I didnt read any announcement![]()
yeah died just we were going to try to kill momma in mired
Beware the Sleepeater
da boot.. no idea what went off.
MArkeys fault for sure.
If world peace existed, I'd be playing Farmville right now
Ozzy Osbourne ALWAYS gets vorpals against bats!
Yeah, just as I wanted to log my newly arrived alts.
The wait continues...
Keeper Refugee
Ghallanda: Warguth, Urgan, Cinderbeard, Gizzah, Soulblight, Xantilar
saved from the markey toons :-)
Huh, I was in Shroud and assumed I crashed, but can't get back in. Dang, I really need that completion, hope it's back soon.
~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
Nooby McNoobsalot
Ghallanda Rerolled
I blame the foreigners.![]()
I play this game. It is fun.
Morlen - Vigo - Siliana - Ragz - Jeeyou Knit - EnZeroZeroBe - Joeb - Kiandra - Tenju - Freakadroid - Asteri
Server: Ghallanda - Member: ToHitArmorClassZero
Yeah was in shroud part 3 at the end of it when it crashed on us. Ok who tripped on the power cord Turbine, or did one of the hamsters kick the bucket on the wheel that runs the servers?
down down down...
hope Ghallanda wasn´t just a covername for Atlantis
Stormface, Brokes, Delights, Delicat, Shylona, Shyreen, Kaylja, Stormtuzk in Celestial Alliance on Ghallanda.
i didnt get my loot in part 3![]()
wow, that was disappointing... at least i wasn't doing any quest
If i haven't responded to your post, it doesn't necessarily mean that i don't have counter-arguments, it might simply mean that i don't want to keep feeding the trolls.
Plastic People
Hey! Hey!
Reminds me of the "good" old days.