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Unless you definitely prefer the flavor of humans, play around with the numbers for a halfling build. The stats come out about the same, better if you don't mind starting with a lower strength. Each race has its advantages; pick the set of advantages that works best with your play style. I'll highlight what I think are some of the more important bits for your stated play style.
Humans get the extra feat, Human Versatility (+skills for UMD checks, +attack/damage/AC as appropriate to a given melee encounter, etc.), extra skill points, and a slight strength advantage (it's slight, because your 16 starting dex is so much cheaper on a halfling).
Halflings have nice team-play abilities. The sneak attack enhancements should work well with your stated Earthgrab tactic, and of course sneak attack is useful generally if you're partnering with a heavier-hitting tank. Heroic companion again plays into the sidekick function; the bonuses stack with everything so you throw HC on your tank buddy, and you rush into melee right behind him.
You mentioned spreading yourself thin, and it's a good thing to worry about. Conventional wisdom says you should focus on your spell DCs or your melee DPS/survivability, but not both. I tend to agree. I think you'll find this build most rewarding if you start with roughly your listed stats (more on that later), but take strength instead of charisma at level up. If you really want the charisma, go all-out; start with 18, and get all those fancy Spell Focus and Heightening feats that are so popular among Spellsingers.
Regarding initial stats, I personally would go halfling (because I love halflings) with 12 or 13 (MAYBE 14) base strength, and I would dump the spare points into Intelligence. With the extra skill points, I would pick up Hide and Move Silently (to about 15 ranks at level 20). That's my personal playstyle preference, mind you; if you share my tastes, it'll serve you well to follow the recommendations of this paragraph, but you definitely won't be gimped by having a different style.
If you haven't already, play around with Invisibility, Stealth Mode, and Enthrallment. Once you get the hang of it, you'll start wondering why anyone doesn't play a bard.
Oh, and listen to whatever Bobo says; he knows bards.
I prefer halflings as well, and my current bard is one. I'm picking human not so much because I like them but more for the extra feat, skill points, and because halflings have -1 to damage (I think).