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  1. #1
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Default Claw of Vulkoor -- can you de-aggro Guardians?

    In Claw of Vulkoor, once a Guardian Scorpion has noticed you is it possible to lose its aggro and pacify it? I know turning invisible does not lose aggro, but having something else attack the mob does. My thinking is -- when a Guardian notices me, I summon a low-level pet (Summon Nature Ally I) and drink Invisibility potion. Pet attacks scorpion, scorpion kills pet, I place drow priestess' staff onto hexagon.

    Can this work, or is it "once Guardian saw you game over, you have to kill it"?
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  2. #2
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Or Is It "once Guardian Saw You Game Over, You Have To Kill It"?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    In Claw of Vulkoor, once a Guardian Scorpion has noticed you is it possible to lose its aggro and pacify it? I know turning invisible does not lose aggro, but having something else attack the mob does. My thinking is -- when a Guardian notices me, I summon a low-level pet (Summon Nature Ally I) and drink Invisibility potion. Pet attacks scorpion, scorpion kills pet, I place drow priestess' staff onto hexagon.

    Can this work, or is it "once Guardian saw you game over, you have to kill it"?
    This idea won't work.

    Once a guardian notices anything 'out of the ordinary' he'll remain alert enough to resist the pacify magic. Think of it as a soldier dozing off on his post. If he suddenly gets into a combat situation he'll probably stay wide awake for the rest of the night... if he lives.

  4. #4
    Community Member Aeolwind's Avatar
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    From my specific experience...if you can get the staff onto the thingy before he actually hits anything, he'll pacify. I was invis last night and one apparently heard me running up to the plat and ran at me but didn't quite get to punch me in the mouth before I was on the pedestal and he got pacified.
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  5. #5
    Community Member shortdevils's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeolwind View Post
    From my specific experience...if you can get the staff onto the thingy before he actually hits anything, he'll pacify. I was invis last night and one apparently heard me running up to the plat and ran at me but didn't quite get to punch me in the mouth before I was on the pedestal and he got pacified.
    i noticed sometimes when invis, mobs walk towards me but haven't actually noticed me. i think thats the case here. they hear you i think but still need a spot check or something. i didnt write the AI

  6. #6
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeolwind View Post
    From my specific experience...if you can get the staff onto the thingy before he actually hits anything, he'll pacify. I was invis last night and one apparently heard me running up to the plat and ran at me but didn't quite get to punch me in the mouth before I was on the pedestal and he got pacified.
    Didn't work for me. Last night I ran (well, "ran" is very wrong term here!) Claw of Vulkoor twice. The last scorpion actually sits on top of his hexagon, the next-to-last is right next to his. I crept onto that hexagon from the opposite side, blue beams appeared, and THEN message "Guardian scorpion noticed you". Scorpion attacks, optional lost. How do you overcome this?

    Even worse, how do you deal with last scorpion? Both times I approached it last night, the optional objective was lost already, but I tried to get him off his perch just to learn how to do it. Each time I shot an arrow at the door hoping the noise will attract him. It did -- directly to me rather than to the door. Do dart-style weapons work better (no bowstring sound)? If they do, can you use the same technique with the other scorpion I mentioned, to get him farther from his hexagon?
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  7. #7
    Community Member Tuney's Avatar
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    Well if you are a rogue, there are always 'noisemakers.' They are a good way to move something away hehe.

  8. #8
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Didn't work for me. Last night I ran (well, "ran" is very wrong term here!) Claw of Vulkoor twice. The last scorpion actually sits on top of his hexagon, the next-to-last is right next to his. I crept onto that hexagon from the opposite side, blue beams appeared, and THEN message "Guardian scorpion noticed you". Scorpion attacks, optional lost. How do you overcome this?

    Even worse, how do you deal with last scorpion? Both times I approached it last night, the optional objective was lost already, but I tried to get him off his perch just to learn how to do it. Each time I shot an arrow at the door hoping the noise will attract him. It did -- directly to me rather than to the door. Do dart-style weapons work better (no bowstring sound)? If they do, can you use the same technique with the other scorpion I mentioned, to get him farther from his hexagon?
    There are two ways to do this.

    If you're a rogue and stealthing the quest, simply use a noisemaker to move the guardian scorpion (and the healing scorpions near him) off the octagon. Move quickly, though, because they will return to their positions after the noisemaker stops making noise.

    If you using an invis item, you need to creep up to the scorpion slowly until he hears you. Once he does, he'll slowly move off the octagon to your general location. Jump him and step on the octagon before he swings at you and you'll be fine.

    Also, for the first of those two scorpions (the one right before the lava), it is possible to pacify the scorpion without moving him. Even though he's partially standing on the octagon AND facing it, I've seen a rogue (Shizmonkey, aka Kamimitsu) pacify him without moving him. He approached from the guardian's right-rear and was able to get the staff on the octagon without being seen. I've tried this several times, on Normal and Epic both, and have never been able to do it. I just use a noisemaker, placed on the wall behind the guardian, and scoot by when they move.

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  9. #9
    Community Member gott_ist_tot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    There are two ways to do this.

    If you're a rogue and stealthing the quest, simply use a noisemaker to move the guardian scorpion (and the healing scorpions near him) off the octagon. Move quickly, though, because they will return to their positions after the noisemaker stops making noise.

    If you using an invis item, you need to creep up to the scorpion slowly until he hears you. Once he does, he'll slowly move off the octagon to your general location. Jump him and step on the octagon before he swings at you and you'll be fine.
    I remember throwing a shuriken into the wall, hiding behind a corner. I can't remember 100% but I think I recall it

  10. #10
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    If you're a rogue and stealthing the quest, simply use a noisemaker to move the guardian scorpion (and the healing scorpions near him) off the octagon. Move quickly, though, because they will return to their positions after the noisemaker stops making noise.
    My main is a ranger. With camouflage, cloak of shadows and heroism, her Hide score was 41 and Move Silently 34 -- and that's without invisibility or ranger skill boost.

    If you target something (like the hexagon) in your focus orb and then jump, does this help to land on the item in question?
    Last edited by brian14; 11-04-2010 at 09:05 AM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Good point. The thrown weapon is another option.

    I actually use the thrown weapon technique on the first two fire giants on every run. I move back to where the intial barrier was, throw a dagger in the area of the "dummy" lever, and rehide.

    But for this to work, you HAVE to make your throw from a position where you can't be seen by the scorpions, since you'll break stealth (and invis) the instant you throw the weapon, you can't be visible when you throw it.

    This isn't too hard for the last scorp, as the hallway makes an S curve there and there's a good place to hide. But I don't know how you'd do it on the scorp before the lava. There's no good place to hide and you've got two healing scorps AND a roaming scorp right behind you.

    I remember trying the throwing weapon on the last scorp but could never get them to move. Maybe I just wasn't throwing it at the right location but a noisemaker makes this part easy so I stopped trying to use a thrower.

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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    There's no good place to hide and you've got two healing scorps AND a roaming scorp right behind you.
    Get those scorps behind you to come after you and break the barrel before the guardian while you are still invised. Then bunny hop around mobs to the pressure plate.
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