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  1. #41
    Community Member Bloodhaven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    i can agree with you there then.
    2 healers for safety... if its a pug.
    2 healers should not mean less DPS <or significantly less DPS> Healers can swing on harry and heal.

    2 radiant auras going off and the occasional mass heal should keep everyone up.

    FvS? Mass heals and swing at harry. No reason to not be adding to DPS in part 4/5.

    <unless you have con as a dump stat and die in 1 hit>
    Please consider your future in DDO and invest in HP.
    Quote Originally Posted by sweez View Post
    And when you do it everyone's like "omg I want to give birth to that guy's BABIES!".

  2. #42
    Community Member Bloodhaven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    and the anchor jumped out of the blades in part4
    I hate this!

    This is was my original reason for starting to meele Harry with my healer. Now I do it because it adds to DPS and simplifys things while healing. I just let the party know i am going to be in the middle fighting harry and if they want/need heal thats where they will need to be aswell. Even the casters will need to take 4-5 steps closer to harry to get a heal.
    Please consider your future in DDO and invest in HP.
    Quote Originally Posted by sweez View Post
    And when you do it everyone's like "omg I want to give birth to that guy's BABIES!".

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodhaven View Post
    FvS? Mass heals and swing at harry. No reason to not be adding to DPS in part 4/5
    In a good group I don't even Mass Heal anymore on my FvS. This may change once they really fix waves/tendon slice but right now I can get by just fine with mass cure light (quicken/max/empower/empower heal with 75% ardor and max healing enhancements as well as major healing lore) until the blades are in. Quickened mass cure light cuts into the swing time less.

    Quote Originally Posted by lumes View Post
    gods that run was horrible

    wish we had noticed who had been casting the the healer woulda known not to center on him...could have at least been a successful (although not smooth) run had the center not jumped outta the blades or someone else had been the center
    Along the same note, if you need to have a center you're doing it wrong. Have enough hp's, stand in the fight, have Harry targeted, and mass cure/heal while swinging. You add some dps and have the added bonus that you know 1) your anchor isn't going to do something stupid and 2) that you're going to stay alive. It drives me crazy to watch healers that stand outside the center and end up dead or close to death because they're ignoring their own bar. When you're the anchor you automatically watch your bar.

  4. #44
    Community Member hermespan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    does anybody think shroud should take 40+ mins to complete?

    haste and rage for part 1 songs if your lucky. everyone except 1 caster should be destroying portals?

    you dont need to buff before part 2 then again when everyone finally gets to south central..

    you dont need to buff before part 3..

    run water. everyone..

    parties should not wipe cos someone went in and activated part 4 before everyone was ready
    build your toons zerg tough!
    .. learn to take a meteor swarm to the face

    break DR (litII's are ok.. i guess..) if your not breaking DR.. you better have a huge +to dmg.. but most likely your bringing your party down

    if you have 17 lvl of clr (or 18fvs) you can solo heal shroud! go try!

    kiting in part 5 is weak... gather on a mob and destroy it while getting buffs.

    please sarlona... faster shrouds... or have your lfms say "slow shroud we will be hanging out at portals etc"

    /rant off


    anyone agree though?
    Kinda. Part 4 doesn't "activate" til you agro the mobs in it. Just activating the portal simply activates the portal.

    Having DR breakers for 'arry is a given, I don't care what your strength and buffs are. Jump and GH for part 1 as well as rage and haste. Portals should take 18 seconds or less each. Use your kensai power boosts, use your haste boosts. Use smite. AAs put the bow down when manyshot is on cooldown. Save the same for Harry when it's time to fight harry. Play your character! Should go without saying but I rarely see anyone activating boosts during portal and boss beats unless I'm in a guild group or a pug full of vets. What's up with that?

    The only reason to have a second healer is backup in case the first can't handle lag or CTD's during a fight but agree, usually you only need one healer to get it done.

    Beyond that, start your own LFM and clearly state what you want in your LFM. You'll usually get it.
    "Speed zerg, minimal buffs, one healer, /death out, melee have DR breaking melee weapons and 375+ hp. AA=melee" would fill very fast me thinks... 375 is low but you will make it in a normal shroud. 300hp melees need to reincarnate; now would be ideal.

    I could care less what melee class/build you are as long as you have some hit points, dr breakers and heavy fort. That's really all it takes. Even a group entirely full of dex builds can succeed in a reasonable time frame with these equipment requirements.

    I feel your pain. I know I'll be checking melees and kicking people without DR breakers in the next shroud group I start. How long have pit fiends been in the game? It's ridiculous. If everyone has dr breakers it's like melting butter, regardless of their builds. Silver/PG or Metalline/PG works as does greensteel minII or even lit II (because of the damage procs). PG is not exactly hard to get... It's not elitist or too much to ask to expect dr breakers and heavy fort.

  5. #45
    Community Member mws2970's Avatar
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    DR breakers for a normal shroud? Mmmkay!?!?!
    Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.

  6. #46
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hermespan View Post
    Having DR breakers for 'arry is a given, I don't care what your strength and buffs are. Jump and GH for part 1 as well as rage and haste.
    On normal you don't really need DR breakers. Some high DPS options that don't break DR are comparable or even better, such as lightning 2 or a basic +4/5 holy of greater bane.

    Also, what is GH for in part 1? Rage and haste are well worth the time spent. Jump helps speed up the run but most people can handle their own. I wouldn't expect a caster to take the time to pass out the buff to everyone.

  7. #47
    Founder Cashiry's Avatar
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    Part 1:
    Self buff Jump
    Cleric Dispel portal when you come to it...

    Part 2:
    FoM on Earth ele tank
    Fire resist of Fire ele tank
    DW on all
    Pull it all center and kill

    Part 4:
    Fire resist

    Part 5:
    Same as part 4

    only thing that anyone would may need a buff for is FoM....all other buffs can be gotten thru pots or clickies... so be prepared if you join a zerg run... and dont ask for anything but FoM....

    oh... and i never shrine on my cleric.... just go get it and kill harry and his friends

    Cash out...
    Roving Guns - Sarlona

  8. #48
    Community Member Towrn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cashiry View Post
    Part 1:
    Self buff Jump
    Cleric Dispel portal when you come to it...

    Part 2:
    FoM on Earth ele tank
    Fire resist of Fire ele tank
    DW on all
    Pull it all center and kill

    Part 4:
    Fire resist

    Part 5:
    Same as part 4

    only thing that anyone would may need a buff for is FoM....all other buffs can be gotten thru pots or clickies... so be prepared if you join a zerg run... and dont ask for anything but FoM....

    oh... and i never shrine on my cleric.... just go get it and kill harry and his friends

    Cash out...
    Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk

  9. #49
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Even poison is usually left off the buff list anymore as mass heal covers it anyway.

  10. #50
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hadrian View Post
    Even poison is usually left off the buff list anymore as mass heal covers it anyway.
    And if you don't carry Neut Poison pots or have Jerky, you're not a real zerger.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  11. #51
    Bray The Great Whale SEMPER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hermespan View Post

    Having DR breakers for 'arry is a given, I don't care what your strength and buffs are. Jump and GH for part 1 as well as rage and haste. Portals should take 18 seconds or less each. Use your kensai power boosts, use your haste boosts. Use smite. AAs put the bow down when manyshot is on cooldown. Save the same for Harry when it's time to fight harry. Play your character! Should go without saying but I rarely see anyone activating boosts during portal and boss beats unless I'm in a guild group or a pug full of vets. What's up with that?
    Dr Breakers aren't necessary on Normal - LIT II's will compete very well against Harry , Hard & Elite are a different story..... you will want Dr Breakers then. Gh is nice but not needed either especially if you have a bard in the group then its never needed during shroud at all , but if you want it then get a clickie for it. Now using your boosts are good and all but id rather you get better portal beaters so there not needed so you don't even have to shrine after part 1 , you can just move on into part 2 and kill some mobs and prepare for the bosses so it keeps the raid moving because speed is what matters now if u can shrine and self buff afterwards with what you need then I don't really care how you use your boosts Part 3 is just too easy but EVERYONE RUN WATER dam healers don't need to stand in the center to throw heals run water slackers gees.... Part 4 and 5 pretty simple here fom fire i guess poison but with healers using mass heal not that big of a deal anymore and beat his Arse .... that is all
    Last edited by SEMPER; 11-03-2010 at 04:55 PM.
    Proud Officer of ROVING GUNS

  12. #52
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    theres some like minded people in here
    but it would be good if we were all in shroud together!
    id love to know sarlonas shroud record. post u7,
    and find a grp that likes to zerg shroud and try break the record.
    would be better if it was a static grp every 2days 18 hours

    anyway hope to get in some shrouds with you guys that want to run it fast.

  13. #53
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    theres some like minded people in here
    but it would be good if we were all in shroud together!
    id love to know sarlonas shroud record. post u7,
    and find a grp that likes to zerg shroud and try break the record.
    would be better if it was a static grp every 2days 18 hours

    anyway hope to get in some shrouds with you guys that want to run it fast.
    Meh thats so mod 8 Did the first shroud in over a month today. Im not intrested in running it every 2 days 18 hours anymore. Gluck with that though
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  14. #54
    Community Member gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cashiry View Post
    Part 1:
    Self buff Jump
    Cleric Dispel portal when you come to it...

    Part 2:
    FoM on Earth ele tank
    Fire resist of Fire ele tank
    DW on all
    Pull it all center and kill

    Part 4:
    Fire resist

    Part 5:
    Same as part 4

    only thing that anyone would may need a buff for is FoM....all other buffs can be gotten thru pots or clickies... so be prepared if you join a zerg run... and dont ask for anything but FoM....

    oh... and i never shrine on my cleric.... just go get it and kill harry and his friends

    Cash out...
    I heartily endorse this assessment
    <Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cashiry View Post
    Part 1:
    Self buff Jump
    Cleric Dispel portal when you come to it...

    Part 2:
    FoM on Earth ele tank
    Fire resist of Fire ele tank
    DW on all
    Pull it all center and kill

    Part 4:
    Fire resist

    Part 5:
    Same as part 4

    only thing that anyone would may need a buff for is FoM....all other buffs can be gotten thru pots or clickies... so be prepared if you join a zerg run... and dont ask for anything but FoM....

    oh... and i never shrine on my cleric.... just go get it and kill harry and his friends

    Cash out...
    Or, if you need a buff, ask for it. Honestly, if your one of the two people in the raid that doesn't have tharnes yet, I'm willing to cast TS on you, will I do it for the whole party? Nope, but if you need it just ask.
    Honestly, I'll even give most people useless buffs if they take the time to type them out, but I will very rarely if ever give anyone a useful buff unless they ask.
    Member of Caffeine
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