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  1. #1
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    Default shroud.... faster?

    does anybody think shroud should take 40+ mins to complete?

    haste and rage for part 1 songs if your lucky. everyone except 1 caster should be destroying portals?

    you dont need to buff before part 2 then again when everyone finally gets to south central..

    you dont need to buff before part 3..

    run water. everyone..

    parties should not wipe cos someone went in and activated part 4 before everyone was ready
    build your toons zerg tough!
    .. learn to take a meteor swarm to the face

    break DR (litII's are ok.. i guess..) if your not breaking DR.. you better have a huge +to dmg.. but most likely your bringing your party down

    if you have 17 lvl of clr (or 18fvs) you can solo heal shroud! go try!

    kiting in part 5 is weak... gather on a mob and destroy it while getting buffs.

    please sarlona... faster shrouds... or have your lfms say "slow shroud we will be hanging out at portals etc"

    /rant off


    anyone agree though?

  2. #2
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    does anybody think shroud should take 40+ mins to complete?
    Solo maybe
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  3. #3
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    does anybody think shroud should take 40+ mins to complete?

    haste and rage for part 1 songs if your lucky. everyone except 1 caster should be destroying portals?

    you dont need to buff before part 2 then again when everyone finally gets to south central..

    you dont need to buff before part 3..

    run water. everyone..

    parties should not wipe cos someone went in and activated part 4 before everyone was ready
    build your toons zerg tough!
    .. learn to take a meteor swarm to the face

    break DR (litII's are ok.. i guess..) if your not breaking DR.. you better have a huge +to dmg.. but most likely your bringing your party down

    if you have 17 lvl of clr (or 18fvs) you can solo heal shroud! go try!

    kiting in part 5 is weak... gather on a mob and destroy it while getting buffs.

    please sarlona... faster shrouds... or have your lfms say "slow shroud we will be hanging out at portals etc"

    /rant off


    anyone agree though?
    You're like a bad pug/full buff/take there time shroud groups worst nightmare I love it lmao.

  4. #4
    Community Member ToKu's Avatar
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    I still bring 2 healers just incase, would rather have have slightly less DPS but almost nil chance of failure due to the healer DC'n, dying, etc.

    Shouldn't even need to shrine before pt4 except the arcane and maybe bard.

  5. #5
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToKu View Post
    I still bring 2 healers just incase, would rather have have slightly less DPS but almost nil chance of failure due to the healer DC'n, dying, etc.

    Shouldn't even need to shrine before pt4 except the arcane and maybe bard.

    i can agree with you there then.
    2 healers for safety... if its a pug.

  6. #6
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    I don't think I should have to start a Shroud without Neutralize Poison, Greater Heroism, and Freedom of Movement. And that's on my Warforged. My other characters need even more buffs, including Spawn Screen. Do you have a problem with that?
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
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  7. #7
    Community Member ToKu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    I don't think I should have to start a Shroud without Neutralize Poison, Greater Heroism, and Freedom of Movement. And that's on my Warforged. My other characters need even more buffs, including Spawn Screen. Do you have a problem with that?
    Dont forget death ward!

  8. #8
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    you dont need to buff before part 2 then again when everyone finally gets to south central..

    you dont need to buff before part 3..

    run water. everyone..
    It is frustrating how much time people waste by standing around and overbuffing, or hopping up and down in the pools.

    In most pugs it's a bad idea to even suggest that you don't kite in part 5 because it just confuses things and makes a mess. It would be nice to change that and have surrounding one of the Lts. be the normal method.

    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    parties should not wipe cos someone went in and activated part 4 before everyone was ready
    build your toons zerg tough!
    .. learn to take a meteor swarm to the face
    I agree, but there are two sides to this.

    If a party wipes because someone is zerging, the zerger isn't handling his own messes. That is failed zerging, not a failed party.

    Don't gather more than you can handle at once, and that includes getting the casters/squishies overrun by your aggro. Zerging isn't just aggroing everything and fighting the one that comes to you while the rest of your unprepared party is overwhelmed.

    Everyone should build to be able to handle a bit of damage within reason, but that doesn't mean that some idiot going off and causing trouble gets a free pass to blame his group when normal teamwork and cooperation would have passed the encounter without issue.
    Last edited by Hadrian; 10-31-2010 at 03:06 AM. Reason: Randomly had the word "at" in the middle of a sentence where it didn't belong or make any sense. :)

  9. #9
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hadrian View Post
    It is frustrating how much time people waste by standing around and overbuffing, or hopping up and down in the pools.

    In most pugs it's a bad idea to even suggest that you don't kite in part 5 because it just confuses things and makes a mess. It would be nice to change that and have surrounding one of the Lts. be the normal method.

    I agree, but there are two sides to this.

    If a party wipes because someone is zerging, the zerger isn't handling his own messes. That is failed zerging, not a failed party.

    Don't gather more than you can handle at once, and that includes getting the casters/squishies overrun by your aggro. Zerging isn't just aggroing everything and fighting the one that comes to you while the rest of your unprepared party is overwhelmed.

    Everyone should build to be able to handle a bit of damage within reason, but that doesn't mean that some idiot going off and causing trouble gets a free pass to blame his group when normal teamwork and cooperation would have passed the encounter without issue.
    Unless you or one other person is good enough you can just two man part 4.

  10. #10
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Unless you or one other person is good enough you can just two man part 4.
    Now THAT adds serious time to the completion.

    Assuming the most favorable duo composition for part 2 (probably two 71+ AC healing amp-specced light monks with Shintao 3, Vicious Greater Bane wraps, and dual ToD rings) I don't see Harry going down in under three passes, probably 4-5.

    Unless you are willing to burn mana pots, in which case two sorcs can take him down in two passes.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  11. #11
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Now THAT adds serious time to the completion.

    Assuming the most favorable duo composition for part 2 (probably two 71+ AC healing amp-specced light monks with Shintao 3, Vicious Greater Bane wraps, and dual ToD rings) I don't see Harry going down in under three passes, probably 4-5.

    Unless you are willing to burn mana pots, in which case two sorcs can take him down in two passes.

    I know all about 2 manning it. I've two manned the whole thing on two melee divine squishies. And anytime I'm on that toon I just zerg non stop I'll keep myself and a couple other people up if the healers and rest start dropping.

  12. #12
    Community Member Scherwiz2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    does anybody think shroud should take 40+ mins to complete?

    haste and rage for part 1 songs if your lucky. everyone except 1 caster should be destroying portals?

    you dont need to buff before part 2 then again when everyone finally gets to south central..

    you dont need to buff before part 3..

    run water. everyone..

    parties should not wipe cos someone went in and activated part 4 before everyone was ready
    build your toons zerg tough!
    .. learn to take a meteor swarm to the face

    break DR (litII's are ok.. i guess..) if your not breaking DR.. you better have a huge +to dmg.. but most likely your bringing your party down

    if you have 17 lvl of clr (or 18fvs) you can solo heal shroud! go try!

    kiting in part 5 is weak... gather on a mob and destroy it while getting buffs.

    please sarlona... faster shrouds... or have your lfms say "slow shroud we will be hanging out at portals etc"

    /rant off


    anyone agree though?
    I've always felt that pugging was about adapting to a group and overcoming (or failing...) challenges as a team rather than getting fast completions. If you want faster Shrouds (or any quest or raid) then you should either not pug or make sure you only join the zerg/fast/byoh Shroud runs. Otherwise, you should expect everyone to take their time buffing, swimming ect... in the Shroud as they make their way through it, regardless of how unnecessary most of it is.

    Yet I am going to assume that you are complaining about the Shroud zerg runs on the Sarlona lfm. I’ve joined a few of those and they were terrible. Either A) they were not really fast runs and took 40+ minutes or B) they were full of arrogant jerks that would often get themselves killed and then rage quit.
    Pirating's much more my style.

  13. #13
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    actually yes that is another thing that is annoying.
    the lfm will say fast selfbuff whatev.. and people join with no idea what is going on and must expect to get pulled through...
    i guess if its not my lfm ill try not to zerg and expect a 40+ min completion
    if shroud can be done in 10 minutes id like a pug to do it in 25~ max

  14. #14
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    actually yes that is another thing that is annoying.
    the lfm will say fast selfbuff whatev.. and people join with no idea what is going on and must expect to get pulled through...
    i guess if its not my lfm ill try not to zerg and expect a 40+ min completion
    if shroud can be done in 10 minutes id like a pug to do it in 25~ max
    Post an LFM like 'Speedrun. No wasting time buffing or D-Dooring. Strictly completion only'. You'll get 6-8 likeminded people, and you'll finish fast. Make sure to hit the altar immediately in part 5, so people that don't read the LFM learn a lesson (if you want to be really mean about it, give them just enough time to step through a D-Door).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  15. #15
    Community Member Nuckin's Avatar
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    Shouldn't really expect a fast run when u join a pug... If u want fast runs join a raiding userchat channel or run mainly with friends who know what they are doing or guildies... I just came back from a break and I am still amazed at how many lvl 20's have no idea what they are doing half the time... completely boggles my mind that they can be that lvl and have no clue what so ever....

    I hate the repetition and grind as much as the next person, but kinda what u should expect in a pug.... For me at least tho, I would prefer running a shroud no matter how long it takes as long as it is at least semi fun or entertaining rather than running a speed shroud run where no one so much as says one word.... just me tho

  16. #16
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Go already!
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  17. #17
    Community Member ToKu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1ngp1n View Post
    Go already!
    We already finished, you took too long to get in.

  18. #18
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Unless you or one other person is good enough you can just two man part 4.
    I am talking about zerging in general, really. Not just part 4. Sure, if you can two-man it that's great, but then your party didn't wipe. If you think you can take it, and instead you cause a wipe, that's your fault.

    I guess my point is that you should know your own limitations if you're going to zerg ahead solo, and if you're going to need to depend on the group you left behind to do something for your zerging to work, then don't do it. If you're not going to need to depend on the group you left behind to do something, then there's no way you could have had a party wipe.

    Just don't be one of those guys that bites off more than he can chew and blames his party. Like the other day when I was in a random PUG, and the leader, a khopesh Kensai, rushes into attack harry and dies to a single fireball to the face, then blames the cleric for not healing him. More often than not, the thing that went wrong was your own fault. If people would learn not to blame their parties for their own mistakes, it would also improve the quality of PUG shrouds or any other PUG.
    Last edited by Hadrian; 10-31-2010 at 11:13 AM.

  19. #19
    Community Member gfunk's Avatar
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    People just need more perspective on when a buff is actually neccesary. I mean, just because you are going to be taking acid damge (for example) doesn't neccesarily mean you need acid resist. Lots of groups don't need fire resist even in parts 4/5.. really. People should practice zerging more, if only to see how often you dont really need any buffs (whether you enjoy zerging or not, it does give you some perspective as to the time value of buffing).
    <Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>

  20. #20
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    does anybody think shroud should take 40+ mins to complete?
    If you are tossing up an LFM and expecting the world, then yes. The ratio of newbies to Vets isnt such that you will ALWAYS be able to burn through the raid and overpower everything.

    If you are using selective grouping, then no. You can run it with a single group in less time. Or just make Panzy do the heavy lifting and smack a few things here and there in a poor attempt to cover up the mass piking.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

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