does anybody think shroud should take 40+ mins to complete?
haste and rage for part 1 songs if your lucky. everyone except 1 caster should be destroying portals?
you dont need to buff before part 2 then again when everyone finally gets to south central..
you dont need to buff before part 3..
run water. everyone..
parties should not wipe cos someone went in and activated part 4 before everyone was ready
build your toons zerg tough!
.. learn to take a meteor swarm to the face
break DR (litII's are ok.. i guess..) if your not breaking DR.. you better have a huge +to dmg.. but most likely your bringing your party down
if you have 17 lvl of clr (or 18fvs) you can solo heal shroud! go try!
kiting in part 5 is weak... gather on a mob and destroy it while getting buffs.
please sarlona... faster shrouds... or have your lfms say "slow shroud we will be hanging out at portals etc"
/rant off
anyone agree though?