WTT Lich dust for Lg devil scales
pm me in fourm
WTT Lich dust for Lg devil scales
pm me in fourm
I hear a lich dust is worth exactly 1500 motes.
And the guy in the Graveyard is willing to sell them for 1,500 motes. If anyone has payed more than that, you've been duped!
"Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?" -JC
idk 1-1 or 2-1
at this point idc bout the dusts, would like to trade for 1 lg devil scale
seeing those "wts 1000 motes 50k" in delera's trade/general chat, 75k plat for a large scale sounds like a very good deal.
oh, and good luck with that