We should be able to upgrade this item to use it in quests and explorerer areas.
You could even require that it remain equipped for usage in PvE like that.
We should be able to upgrade this item to use it in quests and explorerer areas.
You could even require that it remain equipped for usage in PvE like that.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
Firstly, the pendant is a favor reward, not a quest drop. How would you unlock the epic portion of it? Have it randomly drop in epic house P quests? Not like that's not happening enough with the genuine epic items.
Not signed, but at least this post wasn't solely about PvP.
Kannyaheals, lvl 20 Cleric...Kannya, lvl 20 rogue...Kanbeats, lvl 20 intimitank...Kanya, lvl 14 halfling tosser...Kankan, lvl 11 pally thing...Kancast, lvl 18 wizzy
We've loled about this before, over what it would be like Epic.
Useable in quests, or 100% speed in public areas, etc.
But yeah.. this isn't happening. Its just funny to think about.
Eggnog * Creamsoda * Soymilk * Orangedrink * Icedtea * Fruitpunch
Tonicwater * Limeade * Dietcola * Mangolassi * Rootbeer
Officer of Southern Tenant Farmers Union - Ghallanda
You need a hobby.
And DDO isn't it.
Start making intelligent well thought out suggestions, or quit making suggestions at all.
You are silly
A teleport clickie would devalue the Mask from Ghola Fan, but would be a serious boon to everyone with small ships that doesn't have a navigator on board for buff reasons. Greater Teles from the Subterrane for every Shroud group are problematic as the scroll user tends to go to Meridia before everyone is ready, and Twilight Forge groups often have a problem with transportation as well.
I understand your point about a favor unlockable teleport clicky devaluing the royal guard mask. But I don't really consider the item to be a must-have at the moment either, due to the alternate travel methods that you detail above(greater tele from sub, etc) so I wouldn't grind for it. If I was running Ghola-fan and pulled one, I would be pretty happy about it.
I would still feel the same way about the mask even if a favor unlockable teleport clicky was available. I wouldn't grind for it, but would be happy having obtained it. Which is why I think that a teleport clicky would work for a favour reward. It's a useful Carrot to dangle at the end of a stick, which I would be happy to get, but not one that would make me feel like I'd have to grind for it because it's a must have.
Eggnog * Creamsoda * Soymilk * Orangedrink * Icedtea * Fruitpunch
Tonicwater * Limeade * Dietcola * Mangolassi * Rootbeer
Officer of Southern Tenant Farmers Union - Ghallanda
Petition to rename the green circle with arrow the "h4x0r1f1c" symbol.
A master of appearances.
He glides like the wind through the trees. Always ready. Always vigilant.
His mission: to become a cameo in each of your lives, for he is always there. In your living room. In your home. At work and school. He is... Captain Cameo
I'm with Aaxeyu, speed = fun. I'm also with everyone else, this will never happen.
Almost nearly always: Ghallanda
Most likely: Heisenberg, Landau, Boltzmann, Sommerfeld, Rutherford, Bohr, Tezla, and Dirac.
But also: Vigner, Minkowski, Schrodinger, Fermi, Hartree, Sternn, Gerlach, and others.
Better idea about the pendant:
Make it a one-time use consumable that always takes effect in public areas. Like the Silver Flame Regeneration.
That way we:
Get the benefit during short hops through a public instance to another dungeon
Free up a backpack slot
Don't have to slow ourselves down using it to speed us up later. An item that makes you faster, but slows you down to use it, How dumb is that?
I would be down for a favor clicky "Word of Recall(bind point)"