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  1. #81
    Community Member Wren666's Avatar
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    updated the original post to address some of that "easy button" rhetoric being flung around;

    Quote Originally Posted by Wren666 View Post those with the shallow claim that including named loot in the Store (which isn't what this suggestion was about to begin with) will somehow reduce the value of those items and discourage any incentive to keep playing the game, I'd like you to take a moment to press CTRL+S and check out the Stats & Leveling » Tomes section.

    What do you see? That's right, the mighty "+2 Tome of Supreme Ability."

    for 2495 Turbine Points (@ 1996 on discount as of writing.) Usable at Level 7.

    Now how long has that been there? I bet everyone has stopped worrying about Ability scores anymore, haven't they? and hardly anyone gets excited about pulling a Tome from a chest, I'm sure. They've been reduced to vendor trash, after all.

    With a permanent and stackable +2 increase on ALL stats, AT THE CLICK OF A BUTTON!!!1 and as soon as you hit level 7 on your very first toon, people don't even care about their stats to begin with.

    Do they?

    Now go take a look at how much +2 Tomes for just ONE stat are going for in the Auction House, nevermind all 6.

    uh huh...

    Let's not even talk about the "Veteran" Status and "Champion" Build "easy buttons"

    Also, let's not forget that the Easy Button™ in my suggestion about guaranteeing named loot will not kill all the mobs for you on the way to that one chest.

    It will not disarm any traps that surround it or make the boss guarding it disappear, neither will it automatically flag you for the mere entry requirements to that zone to begin with. It most certainly will not rotate the tiles in a puzzle and won't open up a portal to take you across the obligatory Mario sequence.

    so, yeah.
    Last edited by Wren666; 10-30-2010 at 11:08 PM.
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  2. #82
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    Default Great idea, long overdue

    I find it amusing that most of the players who adamantly disagree with this idea happen to have Join Dates of 2006 or so. Seems to me that they just don't want the newbies hanging with their exclusive little clique.

    Sorry fellas, but not every one can afford to dedicate all of their gaming time to just one product. You may have had nothing else to do for all those 4 years but farm enough Bloodstones to last 20 Reincarnations, but there are just too many games vying for a player's limited time these days. Since time=money if they're not interchangeable then Turbine's playerbase may just take their money elsewhere. Also, you seem to confuse repetition with skill, and that somehow fairly rewarding the effort you make towards a piece of gear is an "easy button" well sorry again but a chore does not mean a challenge. Yes, most of that gear is not an option if you want to hang with the big guys in Epics and whatnot. The farming does nothing but take away from the fun, and people often need to farm alone so that also reduces the player pool for parties as a side effect.

    I'm all for anything that'll take away from the chore and get me back into the game, but if I can't get back into the game then I guess I won't be going back to the game.

  3. #83
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wren666 View Post
    EDIT: To the people who're vehemently against this idea; you will not be forced to buy this any more than you're forced to buy the other stuff that you can grind with Favor etc. so I can't see why you don't want others who might be able to use it to get more enjoyment from their game

    and to those with the shallow claim that including named loot in the Store (which isn't what this suggestion was about to begin with) will somehow reduce the value of those items and discourage any incentive to keep playing the game, I'd like you to take a moment to press CTRL+S and check out the Stats & Leveling » Tomes section.

    What do you see? That's right, the mighty "+2 Tome of Supreme Ability."

    for 2495 Turbine Points (@ 1996 on discount as of writing.) Usable at Level 7.

    Now how long has that been there? I bet everyone has stopped worrying about Ability scores anymore, haven't they? and hardly anyone gets excited about pulling a Tome from a chest, I'm sure. They've been reduced to vendor trash, after all.

    With a permanent and stackable +2 increase on ALL stats, AT THE CLICK OF A BUTTON!!!1 and as soon as you hit level 7 on your very first toon, people don't even care about their stats to begin with.

    Do they?

    Now go take a look at how much +2 Tomes for just ONE stat are going for in the Auction House, nevermind all 6.

    uh huh...

    Let's not even talk about the "Veteran" Status and "Champion" Build "easy buttons"
    Quote Originally Posted by Wren666 View Post
    updated the original post to address some of that "easy button" rhetoric being flung around;

    Also, let's not forget that the Easy Button™ in my suggestion about guaranteeing named loot will not kill all the mobs for you on the way to that one chest.

    It will not disarm any traps that surround it or make the boss guarding it disappear, neither will it automatically flag you for the mere entry requirements to that zone to begin with. It most certainly will not rotate the tiles in a puzzle and won't open up a portal to take you across the obligatory Mario sequence.

    so, yeah.
    That tome is no where near some of the named loot.

    Let's look at Tharns Goggles. You are asking for everyone to be able to get an item that is able to be used at lvl 13 without actually earning it. It has +15 to search and spot. Get the set and you get other stuff.

    The Tome of Supreme Ability only adds 1 to your search and spot. It also doesn't come with a set bonus that adds a lot more stuff that the Tharns set does.

    You are asking for sets of items that are quite powerful, even some of the lower level stuff in a set is more powerful than a Supreme Tome.

    Further, you can get a full set of +2 tomes off the AH and transfer them to whichever character needs one, even if it is on a different account. Adding that particular tome in the store is definately not game breaking nor is it an easy button because you are only adding +1 to your stat, not +15 like some items.

    And, tomes are often on the 20th completion reward list of several raids. Same with the named loot that drops in those raids.

    Bloodstone adds more to your damage than the +1 damage from the STR from the Supreme Tome.

    Ring of Spell Storing adds quite a bit more SP than the CHA, INT, or WIS boost that you get from the tome.

    As I stated, I'm not a fan of the grind but adding what you are asking for really is a total easy button.
    Last edited by KillEveryone; 10-31-2010 at 07:45 AM.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  4. #84
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Can we get a Store item that would prevent someone else from getting named loot?
    Because I'd buy that.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  5. #85
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Can we get a Store item that would prevent someone else from getting named loot?
    Because I'd buy that.
    Make that, prevent everyone in the party with you gets no named loot and I am in.
    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

    A is A. -John Galt

  6. #86
    Community Member Zuldar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BansheeMalthus View Post
    @ Zuldar: I know, but that's why I say implement the system I suggested, heck make the drop percentages greater, but no more than 40 or 50%. Eventually, with percentages that increase based on completions, you would get the drop you want. Yes it would still be a grind, but it wouldn't be as bad of a grind. This way, you still have to "work" for the loot, but you stand a very good chance of getting it before you burn out on it.
    Any kind of grind is bad grind, it's sole purpose is to kill time. Unless the drop percentage is so high as to make it practically guaranteed, you're still subject to the whims of the RNG. It really doesn't matter how hard you work to get something if it all boils down to how lucky you are.
    Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry.

  7. #87
    Community Member Wren666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zuldar View Post
    Any kind of grind is bad grind, it's sole purpose is to kill time. Unless the drop percentage is so high as to make it practically guaranteed, you're still subject to the whims of the RNG. It really doesn't matter how hard you work to get something if it all boils down to how lucky you are.

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the ones who believe that this will be the factor which decides whether people keep coming back to play the game or not. Really? If one of DDO's key attractions is supposed to be the pot luck of the draw, then there's something wrong right there to begin with.
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  8. #88
    Community Member Kominalito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isairnicus View Post
    I find it amusing that most of the players who adamantly disagree with this idea happen to have Join Dates of 2006 or so. Seems to me that they just don't want the newbies hanging with their exclusive little clique.

    Sorry fellas, but not every one can afford to dedicate all of their gaming time to just one product. You may have had nothing else to do for all those 4 years but farm enough Bloodstones to last 20 Reincarnations, but there are just too many games vying for a player's limited time these days. Since time=money if they're not interchangeable then Turbine's playerbase may just take their money elsewhere. Also, you seem to confuse repetition with skill, and that somehow fairly rewarding the effort you make towards a piece of gear is an "easy button" well sorry again but a chore does not mean a challenge. Yes, most of that gear is not an option if you want to hang with the big guys in Epics and whatnot. The farming does nothing but take away from the fun, and people often need to farm alone so that also reduces the player pool for parties as a side effect.

    I'm all for anything that'll take away from the chore and get me back into the game, but if I can't get back into the game then I guess I won't be going back to the game.

    horrible post. i am betting you came here from another mmo.

    edit - this wasnt supposed to be a huge slight on you, but really man. it has nothing to do with how long a person has played and everything to do with game mechanics.

  9. #89
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isairnicus View Post
    I find it amusing that most of the players who adamantly disagree with this idea happen to have Join Dates of 2006 or so. Seems to me that they just don't want the newbies hanging with their exclusive little clique.
    Join dates don't really mean anything. There are people that came from the European servers in 2009, maybe earlier but I'm not sure on how early but, they have rolled up brand new characters and in some cases have given up on their characters if they are on a different server than G-land because of the cost to move the characters from there to where they have set up their new home. They have been playing since start on those servers.

    A lot of people don't want to see another easy button. The game is fairly easy as it is without that named stuff. The named stuff is just gravy on your build. If you cannot function without a particular named item, you need to reroll because that build would be a failure and you shouldn't factor in something that you do not yet have.

    I pug all the time. I don't have all that named stuff. There are some items I'd like to have but I just haven't gotten it yet. I have made a few things but there really isn't any really special items on my build. I haven't ever been declined because of a lack of named stuff. Typically I'm accepted to groups but that is because I have tried to be a solid player that groups can count on.

    If you want to good stuff, run the quests until you get what you want.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  10. #90
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    That's what the 20 completions end reward is for...I just wish it gave you a pick from *every* named item on the list, instead of giving you a choice between a bunch of **** +1 tomes and the Pouch of Jerky. 60+ DQ runs is a bit excessive for a Torc.

  11. #91
    Community Member Hokiewa's Avatar
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    So far beyond absurd....

    There is a very apparent, obvious reason why this will never happen

    Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?

  12. #92
    Community Member Fomori's Avatar
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    I dont agree with this option but I wouldnt throw a hissy fit if it were added.

    I think that there are some things that would need to be looked at first if this were to work. Some named loot is not bound. Being able to guarantee named loot that is not bound to you is a bad idea since you could then sell it. Adding items this way to those outside your character would damage the economy as well. Its like buying plat for TP.

    Also the implementation would matter to my overall thoughts on this. If you get to pick the item then its like buying it directly. If its just guaranteeing some named item from a chest then you still could get something that you think is useless. That could upset people who feel they are entitling themselves to a certain item just by spending the TP. That potential headache is probably a point against adding this.

    As for those that are knocking this without a reason or simply saying 'easy button' are hiding why they dont want this. Mainly I would say that it is because even though its a PvE game there is a lot of epeen measuring when it comes to gear. They dont want someone else to have what they already do. Remember 'everyone is selfish' even if they wont admit it...
    Male Fairy: "Dont cry my dear. You know what I do when I'm sad?"
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    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Actually, if this Nerf's one of Shade's barb's I doubly support this!

  13. #93
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isairnicus View Post
    I find it amusing that most of the players who adamantly disagree with this idea happen to have Join Dates of 2006 or so. Seems to me that they just don't want the newbies hanging with their exclusive little clique.

    Sorry fellas, but not every one can afford to dedicate all of their gaming time to just one product. You may have had nothing else to do for all those 4 years but farm enough Bloodstones to last 20 Reincarnations, but there are just too many games vying for a player's limited time these days. Since time=money if they're not interchangeable then Turbine's playerbase may just take their money elsewhere. Also, you seem to confuse repetition with skill, and that somehow fairly rewarding the effort you make towards a piece of gear is an "easy button" well sorry again but a chore does not mean a challenge. Yes, most of that gear is not an option if you want to hang with the big guys in Epics and whatnot. The farming does nothing but take away from the fun, and people often need to farm alone so that also reduces the player pool for parties as a side effect.

    I'm all for anything that'll take away from the chore and get me back into the game, but if I can't get back into the game then I guess I won't be going back to the game.
    Darn, another player lost to WoW.

    Fact of the matter is that according to MMO websites DDO is one of the fastest growing MMO's out there with over 1 million new subscribors this year. They must be doing something right.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  14. #94
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    Darn, another player lost to WoW.

    Fact of the matter is that according to MMO websites DDO is one of the fastest growing MMO's out there with over 1 million new subscribors this year. They must be doing something right.
    Is it only me who see the irony in complaining about WoW and braging about number of subscribers in the same post?

  15. #95
    Community Member RoboVanguard's Avatar
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    I agree some and disagree some. But what I really want to see is a different implementation of this. In my mind it would work like this:

    The 'guaranteed raid loot' list would be raised from 20 to 50. However, instead of a selection of some of the raid loot (which is usually about half), you would have the complete range of raid loot to choose from including tomes.
    Kevlin of Sarlona

  16. #96
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wren666 View Post
    Want to make a lot of money real quick in the short term, that will in the long run drive away the player base and get you all fired, Turbine?
    Corrected in bold. F2P is a good model, that turbine does well. Free to play, pay to win is a fail model. Its a hard line to walk, but your suggestion would drive more money out of the cash shop then it would bring in over the next 6-12 months.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

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