I have yet to see anyone post what either the Disruption Wands or Nimbus Light Wand look like at levels 8,12,16,20.
Has anyone bothered to see what the deal is with them? Screen shots would be good but more interested in the detail.
I have yet to see anyone post what either the Disruption Wands or Nimbus Light Wand look like at levels 8,12,16,20.
Has anyone bothered to see what the deal is with them? Screen shots would be good but more interested in the detail.
Many of life's lessons are taught through games. So GAME ON!
Ghallanda Server - Guild: Legends of Ancient Greece
Characters: Kleftis, Archpapas, Polemistis, Elveis, Axesizis, Eurostos, Mihanodigos, Agiosmihanos, Trayoudis, Idikos ... so many more