I have yet to see anyone post what either the Disruption Wands or Nimbus Light Wand look like at levels 8,12,16,20.
Has anyone bothered to see what the deal is with them? Screen shots would be good but more interested in the detail.
I have yet to see anyone post what either the Disruption Wands or Nimbus Light Wand look like at levels 8,12,16,20.
Has anyone bothered to see what the deal is with them? Screen shots would be good but more interested in the detail.
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seems only thing different about the levels of these wands is that the caster lvl improves,
and they come in lvl 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 it seems
screenies of some i did find:
found it here: http://www.squidoo.com/endlessnight-...-Crafted-Items
Interestingly enough upgrading it does not increase the ML of the item. 6d6 weighted damage (22-36) isn't a lot though. Might not even be enough for Delera's Normal.
50 regenerating charges run out fairly quickly, but I'll swap it out to squish oozes from a safe distance when I TR.