Need to know what the price for flawless red dragon scales are please or something in the vacinity of what they should cost heard too many prices and want to know a close round about figure if someone would be so kind
Need to know what the price for flawless red dragon scales are please or something in the vacinity of what they should cost heard too many prices and want to know a close round about figure if someone would be so kind
I would suggest the going rate of 1 Large Devil Scale + 1 other Large including Stones, rather than 2 Scales.
I would be willing to pay 350k for a Large Devil Scale when I was desperate for one so I'd put the value of the flawless at quite a bit less than 700k.
This is a personal benchmark number remember.
They are up to a lot more on the auction house but who knows if they sell. I doubt they do. If people need one more for their suit they might pay silly amounts.
Ex-Devourer Europe player, now perfectly happy and content on Thelanis.
1 Scale and 1 Stone, means for me 500k. 175k for the Stone, 325k Scale.
2 Scales only if you are desperat.
So price goes from 400k-650k, for me 500k is the fair price.
Thank you both I was kind of figureing about 500k per scale but I just wanted to make sure. ^^