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  1. #1
    Community Member Slugnutty's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Enervation on GS vs: Dreamspitter

    OK - I have a Dreamspitter which has Life Stealing - Life Stealing is defined as

    "This weapon has a small chance to drain 1d3 levels from its target on a critical hit."
    The negative levels inflicted by a critical hit from Dreamspitter reduce the victim's saving throws, and that effect stacks with itself. If an enemy has been hit with a spell that grants auto-crits (like Hold Monster or Flesh to Stone), then attacking with Dreamspitter can reduce saving throws so he breaks out of the spell more slowly.
    I have two questions, if I create a Heavy Repeating Crossbow that has Enervation, do the 1d4 negative levels from Enervation work the same as Life Stealing IE: reduce the victim's saving throws?

    And, why is it that on my Monk using Dreamspitter people ooooh and aaah when it crits for negative levels and then you talk about making a repeating crossbow that does the same and it's like your talking about yesterdays stale fish?

    This weapon will be used for a "In the rear with the gear." Bard that buffs and CC's with spell and song then switched to several repeaters for debuffing mobs - my thought is adding a Enervation repeater would help that much more.... this Bard is a static group Bard also that (obviously) only plays with the same group playing the same toons on Friday nights - so his roll and survival is already established.

    So am I missing something? Or is this a viable weapon?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    People use Dreamspitter because against auto-crit mobs, it procs neg levels around 30% of the time. It's not used against non-held mobs (except by accident after the hold breaks).

    Against a held mob, Aspect of Ash 2 weapons suck.

    Against a non-held mob, Ash 2 weapons are better than Dreamspitter, but not good enough to be worth using.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  3. #3
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Dreamspitter is most useful on autocritable mobs (held/stoned/etc) otherwise its a pretty weak weapon.

    Same goes for the repeater option. And in general repeaters are pretty weak DPS (mechanic rogue is better, but still behind melee generally speaking)

    But you have a static group, if they don't mind the lower DPS of a ranged bard and thats what you want, more power to you.

  4. #4
    Community Member systemstate's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    There are repeating enervating crossbows in DDO?? o.O
    Have a nice day!

  5. #5
    Community Member Slugnutty's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Yes - I (we) knew that going in the Bard would never be a heavy hitter but all wanted to try the ability to keep the party buffed, then switch to CC which the Bard is maxing out his spell pen to get the highest DC possible and then switches over to repeaters to debuff-paralyze-etc...

    For the static group it's working well... so far.

    @ systemstate. I think so.... the crafting planner allows me to make one, but your right I've never seen one either, but then again that's why I'm asking the questions now.

    What about Radiance? Blinding them might be better than neg-leveling them?

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