Commendation is a very small guild with very active players. Right now there are just a couple of people in the guild.

Raids are everyday at around 8PM-12AM EST. Abbots almost every day, will work on prepping people who join who are interested in learning the raid.

Will be TR'ing a char shortly, leveler's are welcome as long as they have had at least one high level char and have a good understanding of the Game.

Will be a bit selective, not inviting anyone who wants to join without a little understanding of your playstyle. Some simple requirements are that you must be on (almost) every day, and be willing to learn things that can help you that you might not know of. (Not exploits, just tatics in general. Please dont take this sentence the wrong way, im just trying to say that I want my guildies to be good players.).


One of my primary goals is to try to get a bunch of people abbot preped + trained so we can run static abbot groups with less PuG's. Then move onto more serious/challenging matters such as epics.

I'm going to try to take this guild as seriously as I can, so just let me know if you are interested by a forum PM or sending a tell to Reminiscence or Zokrin. Thanks everyone