lol, wow.
"I go home and get drunk after work, **** it, I work hard all day and deserve it."
"So what if I do a little coke every day, who is he to say I have a problem. He needs to mind his own business."
"Im not hurting anyone but myself by doing a little hard, why should he care??"
"I go to work, have a job, take care of my kids. Who cares if I do X to blow off a little steam."
"I don't have any responsibilities, I can afford(monetarily or time) to do X."
Heard it, seen it, said some of it myself before. Just kinda shocked to see some of this stuff on a MMO. :P
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
this thread is kinda funny. who cars what someone else does with their time? why insult others about how they choose to spend it? me and a friend are 500k from capping our tr2s since the update went live while working, sleeping, eating, breathing, taking care of all those pesky bodily functions.... i guess you should insult me too. have fun.
Internet addiction disorder is not listed in the mental health professional's handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , fourth edition, text revision (2009), which is also called the DSM . Internet addiction has, however, been formally recognized as a disorder by the American Psychological Association. [1]
I can sum it up in 2 words:
House Arrest or getting it in one Bachelor/Bachelorette.
Key word bolded.Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) is the term commonly applied to an ongoing pattern of excessive computer use that interferes with daily life [3]
Assuming I'm unable to work for some reason(surgical recovery, I'm sure there's more reasons than just medical), and I decide to spend a week of said recovery playing DDO, that doesn't fall under addiction anymore. Absurd, yes, but not addiction, and I'm doubting you know the person in question well enough to state that they're addicted and don't have any other qualifying reasons for doing this.
This is Sarlona's thread of the week.
/drama ftw!
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine
Stick words in people's mouths wasn't calling anyone an addict...heck I will admit I am totally addicted to this game and I try to only play 4 hours or less a day.
I was just simply stating playing 10-16 hours or more a day continuously is unhealthy...are you actually going to argue this...because I think you might be in denial if you are.
And in case anyone else is wondering....I am implying continuously in terms of weeks, months, and years.....not somone who lolligags for a week in DDO all day and night then goes to back to normal after that....that's a vacation...people who don't take those are also nutz.
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 10-29-2010 at 02:35 PM.
While no, you don't use the word addict, you do imply that anyone who does things like this is an addict.Stick words in people's mouths wasn't calling anyone an addict...heck I will admit I am totally addicted to this game and I try to only play 4 hours or less a day.
I was just simply stating playing 10-16 hours or more a day continuously is unhealthy...are you actually going to argue this...because I think you might be in denial if you are.
...or makes a living working on an assembly line?
For people interested Internet Addiction Test
Contemplating if I should do my windows now or TR my fvs...
Oh snap!
You know... 2TRing isn't what makes me think that people have mental issues, it's a thread THIS LONG talking about people who 2TR in 7 days having mental issues that makes me think people have mental issues.
Alectrona/Level 20/Cleric/Halfling/Female ~ Exavia/Level 20/Sorcerer/Drow/Female ~ Electronika/Level 18/2/Wizard/Monk/Warforged/Female
Hellacia/Level 13/2/Paladin/Monk/Halfling/Female ~ Previsible/Level 17/Bard/Half-Elf/Female
LOL... When, in 1830 in the deep South?
No one works 16 hours a day 7 days a week all year round in the U.S. Do you live in China or something?
No, they were getting paid... if you can't see the difference between a job and an optional GAME... Well, I don't know what to say...Does that mean they were addicted?
6+ hours on the same game, every day, 10+ hours on weekends, every weekend, for a couple of years.... That's a problem (and in my mind, even more so when all you do is grind the same 20 quests)
Nope. This was back in '98. In Nw Ohio at a metal stamping and assembly factory. A few years after this, like around the end of '00 they actually went down to 1 shift. Last I heard they were back up to 2 8 hour shifts and just barely that since the economy downturn in '08.
Wow, I bet their quality was real high with guys on their 15th hour who hadn't had a day off in 150 days...
Plus the overtime pay must have been a killer.... Not very good management....
Wait, now they're back to TWO 8 hour shifts?? Why not just one 16-hour shift since it worked so well for them in the past?
Well, I stand by the "to each their own" motto as much as I can. I personally would never ever work 16 hours a day like that....but then I am not you.....I'm sure there are things you would view about my lifestyle and never want to do yourself.
Unlike what many might think about me after what I said in this thread...I was by no means condemning anyone for how much they play the end I would just have to say if I personally played that much a day my health would falter and fail in a heartbeat, and I would be very unhappy with all the other things in my life that are important to me and require my time I'd be neglecting..........I guess I am just not a DDO "mutant"
I do have Epic handwraps and an Epic Robe I am happy...whee!![]()
Those extreme examples have nothing to do with my post. I can find hundreds more of mothers/fathers abandoning their children for a myriad of other things... bingo, alcohol, shopping, gambling... whatever. They are examples of poor parenting.
You are passing judgment based on your personal views. Because YOU don't play that way does not mean it is wrong. And, as an example, I usually sleep only 4 hrs a night. That leaves 20 hours. If I play 10 hours, that is half of the time. If I am on holidays from work I have no other time demands. What right do you have to say that my playing half of my time is right or wrong? I still have time to exercise, eat, do the chores... and even if I didn't, it is none of your business.
I repeat again, just because you have different interests, or play style does not give you the right to be so judgmental.
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis