60k an hour... 4.1 million = 68 hours or nearly 10 hours a day for 7 days... That's constant playing. Achieving a 60k an hour average means you're not wasting ANY time between quests... Fast, Fast, Fast...
To do that though, you have to play the same high xp/min quests over and over and over and over.... Ten hours a day....
The real question is... Is that really "play"ing? Do you guys really enjoy running only 15-20 quests in this game over and over and over and over?
People who do that must enjoy it I guess... I've played games for long periods of time before... But the same quest?? Over and over and over 6-8 times? They are really like the rat with the lever that dispenses a pellet at that point...
I just don't see that kind of dedication to leveling as something to be proud of.... I mean you're not even engaging your brain on these quests (Something I think video games are very good for)... You're just a robot, running down the same passage doing the exact same thing over and over and over.
Do you guys also play other games this way? Do you play a single player game like Half-life2 over and over and over? Don't you play it once, and then do something else? (Maybe pulling it out again in a year to run through a second time).
When you tell someone, I can cap a TR2 in a week, you're saying "I have nothing better to do for 10 hours a day AND I've played the same 20 easiest quests in this game hundreds of times... This is my life... Be impressed!"
Would you play the same game, same quests over and over and over and over?
Plenty of good shows and movies out there... Plus there's a thing called books...I mean really, if I was injured to the point that I wasn't allowed to even get out of bed, I would send somebody to buy me a laptop just so I could have something else to do besides stare at the idiot box, dreaming about blowing my brains out after watching all that stupid stuff on it.
I know I'd dream about blowing my brains out if I played the same 20 quests a thousand times each with barely any breaks.
But people are strange. Obviously some people enjoy that... I just think they're very very weird.
Again if someone told you, "Hey, I've played Half-life2 twenty-six times... I just finished, now I'm going to play it again...", wouldn't you wonder what is going on in that guy's head?
Why do all of those basketball players want us to be impressed with them? They're just bouncing a ball on the floor and then throwing it through a metal circle. And talk about grind! They practice bouncing hte ball on the floor and they practice throwing the ball through that circle for hours each day, every day for years and years. I just don't see that kind of dedication to basketball as something to be proud of.... I mean you're not even engaging your brain on these practices (Something I think sports games are very good for)... You're just a robot, running down the same court, doing the exact same thing over and over and over.
...or we could just accept that different people find fun in different places.
Moderation in all things...
It's only my opinion, but anyone who can play this game 10 hours a day (and not just for one 7 day period... someone who does that doesn't slip into casual mode afterwards) probably has an existing illness...
Not saying all extreme power-gamers do... but it's a huge red-flag.
Look, we're all dorks... We love D&D and video games... But for most of us, we try different quests on different characters... we socialize in groups... We even play different games... Someone slamming through the same video game on the same 20 quests eight times each with hardly any breaks is obsessing...
And that's not a good sign.
Only people who are playing basketball that much, are making their living at it. At some point, people who do it with DDO are sucking off of someone while they do it. Unless you're telling me they play 10+ hours a day plus a full time job to support themselves...makes sense.
Moderation... I play fast.... but I don't repeat the same quests... If I do Deleras, I run it once, then go play something else... lots of times I check the LFM, and end up switching characters... sometimes, I even switch games! (the horror!)
I've capped 7 characters... I know how to level fast.... But capping a TR2 in 7 days is extreme.
Well, every game is different... If every game they played the exact the same plays in the exact same order, making and missing the exact same shots from the exact same place on the floor...
I think most basketball players would quit... And we would think the ones who didn't were very strange...
It's not the hours that I question... It's the high exp/min... To do that is EXTREMELY repetitive... Who enjoys doing the EXACT same thing hundreds of times?
True enough, I'll stop now......or we could just accept that different people find fun in different places.
Some of these responses kinda of gave me a flashback to addiction meetings with people arguing with the mediator.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
my groups average up to 2.5k xp per min. and double TR in 7 days is more than possible without even playing 8 hours a day, it's just not fun or worth it, and is pretty much only accomplish-able with the right class(es).
oh and it gets faster every time you do it, especially as a caster, but 7 days is no crazy feat. afterall 1-20 on a non tr can be done in 2 days and that is 1.9 mil xp, double tr is only 4.3 mil xp, 7 days means he probably went to school/work etc... but 400xp/min is laughable, if any quest is that low then im not even gonna bother doing it. sure i can understand elite/favor runs but normal xp runs shouldn't be that terrible no matter what level you are.
I'd also like to point out I had this in my OP for all the people who got severly bent out of shape about what I said in this thread. Yes, I concede to the fact that I do not know all the in's and outs of speed leveling.........
I think what I was referring to later in this thread was more aimed at people who do in fact sit in front of their comp 10-16+ hours a day playing an MMO......it really has nothing to do with TR's.......and I am sorry, u will never convince me that playing continually this much a day is anything less than obssesive and unhealthy.
I also stated to each their own........if it makes you happy either way, why are you so offended by what I said.....does it have a hint of truth to it maybe.
Whatever...I have more important things to do than bicker about this.......by the way, I don't look at my rep amount, so any who may have neg repp'ed me...it was a hollow victory.
And the difference between the basketball player and an MMO player is the basketball player in most cases has an overall healthy lifestyle...it's kind of a job requirement.......whereas the DDO player could throw their health to the wind and still probably be able to play DDO.
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 10-29-2010 at 01:32 PM.
Professional basketball players are exactly who I was talking about there. Playing *ANYTHING* for most of your day seems pointless to me. Those basketball players don't get to the pros because they want to get paid. The kind of people who need some external reward for playing basketball aren't going to be able to stomach the gajillion hours of practice
Only the people who practice constantly and play because they just love the game will be able to make it into the pros (and yes, I will note here that they do need amazing talent in addition to the intrinsic drive).
I understand wanting to be the best at something, but I completely do not understand the relentless internal drive that makes someone want to be the absolute best at something to the point where they can actually BE the best at that thing.
How is DDO different than anything else in life in that respect? It's just a bit more addictive than most things.
Internet addiction is real, but who are you or vVAnjilaVv to decide that someone is addicted? Are you a medical doctor or a psychiatrist/psychologist that has spent any time with the person/people in question?
Or are you just blowing smoke because of facts that you are assuming that may or may not be true of a person that played DDO a whole lot in one particular week.