TR exp. /shrug
Yeah I hear it is horrible....I mean somebody just posted up about TR2 in what 7 days. that's way too long.
TR2 is not that bad if you have 20% exp pots, and can play 24/7 during +25% exp event.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer
If you are being sarcastic and I strongly believe you may be...consider the fact that this person may spend 10-12 maybe more hours a day playing DDO thus sacrificing pretty much their entire life or sleep to accomplish it. Even if you're speed leveling you still need a certain amount of time each day to be able to do it in seven days.
Me personally, I am not throwing away my health, letting my house get filthy, and the array of other things I'd have to ignore to be able to TRx2 ever, let alone in seven days. Maybe when I have tried every single PrE and have nothing left to do, but it would still take me at least 1-2 months to cap.
For the seven day TR to cap person, my truest apologies if you did not have to spend that much time a day.
Considering that to accomplish this feat, if you played continuously for 7 days straight, 24 hours a day, you would need to average 434.375 xp per minute.
If you seriously think that this is remotely obtainable expectation and not an overly extreme edge case, then please let the world know what drugs you are on because its better than my reality for sure.
To be perfectly honest, if you have another person able to run content with you at your level on at the same time, and a mildly decent class mix between the static group, it can be done very fast. I know during my TR's the lowest xp/min quest I'll even touch is still 500+/min, and there are some quests that can easily get you over 3,000/min, without the use of a pot or xp boost days.
That being said, my best TR to date was still right around 2 full weeks, again, no pot or boost, but even so I have to imagine as people have suggested little else was done during those days to do it in 7.
Too serious if you ask the point of the person becoming mentally insane or physically a TRx2 in seven days worth sure isn't to me, but to each their own I guess.
I prefer to play DDO in a healthy body where I can come and go as I please, not be forced to play it because it's all I can do as I am laying in a hospital bed with tubes sticking out of my arms.![]()
I don't know how you do it, Quik. I started my TR1 two weeks before you and you passed me in two days on a TR2+. I think I only have the patience to run a quest once or twice through (at least at one sitting) before I get bored and have to move on to something else. I had better learn to suck it up if I'm gonna double-TR my bard, though!![]()
-=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]
I dunno, but I just ran Tangle Root, and tell you what, the exp was great...and it didn't take me even close to seven days. What's the issue here?
I'm not saying that gaining xp could not be done very fast but Lorz was attacking the OP that it was blase to TR2 in a week. Granted its probably sarcastic but still needed to be commented on.
My xp/min numbers were for someone that never stopped grinding xp for a week straight. No sleep, no other activities than plodding along in DDO. That is also average time across the entire 10,080 minutes which meant that if you took breaks while not piking or doing any moving between quests, then your 'quest xp/min' is going to be higher than what I said.
Disagree completely. You don't know enough of the circumstances to toss out a diagnosis like that. If I have no spouse or children to take care of and get some time off and decide I'm going to spend it playing DDO do I have a problem? I don't think so, only when you start to neglect other aspects of your life in order to play the game more can you really say that there is an issue. And since none of us do know the person's entire backstory, the only reaction should be, /clap and move on.