I read that story when it came out and decided years ago that I would love the chance to do what that story was suggesting. I have always been interested in humans living on other worlds like Mars and going there to live, knowing it was a one way trip makes alot more sense than being babies about it like NASA is concerned. I guess the concept that people would actually be willing to go to Mars, live and yes die there someday did not really cross their mind. If mankind is to colonize Mars or anywhere else, then why not start off with people living there to provide real time feedback and allow our scientists a way to see how Mars effects us, what living conditions work or don't work, experimentations being conducted by settlers and many other things that only can really be tested if people were actually living there permenantly.
Mankind has been migrating all over this planet since day one, moving to places that were hostile and foreign to them and knowing full well they were going to those places to live and yes, die someday where they end up. Yet today very few are willing to do those things in regards to living away from this planet. It is not a matter of if but when man will be living, spread across the solar system and beyond. If people are willing to go to live on Mars right now, why not start it off right and let those of us who want to pave the way for the rest of mankind to someday be able to call Mars a new home for man?
Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.
A is A. -John Galt
As long as Turbine sent a server for us to run DDO on I'd go.
1,067,212 attacks in a single round(DnD 3.5)
Mmm, hours of rolling per round..
I'd go in a heartbeat. And while I doubt my wife would go I do believe she would understand. If I won a lottery I'd be in the queue to get a ride to the ISS from the Russians so freaking fast it'd make heads spin. To actually get to go, fly, and live out there regardless of it being 6 months, 6 years, or until I drop dead would be... just, sadly, nearly unimaginable.
This space intentionally left mostly blank.
Earth diseases are probably more dangerous to mars. Is an old discussion not just a sci-fi thing.
Btw, those calculating latency note that unless you are on autoattack the data makes a two way trip, so the times are double.
Now i wonder if martians begin to play ddo would they'd be complaining about the nerfs?
I would. I imagine I'd be a lot like Han Solo.
Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.
Forgot the source but it is believed that life on Earth and Mars occured concurrently with each other (relatively). However, the conditions on Mars proved to be inadequate to support lfie, hence, it was a 'failed experiment'. So we can see traces of early life (Bacterium) but no current life.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Well bacteria fight other bacteria for resources, takes a while to make them settle and coexist.
For example, the bacteria in your intestines and colon is quite evolved, if they go missing you are in deep trouble, no pun intended.
The body immunity system is not enough, lacking the good bacteria to fight the bad bacteria they quickly invade and take over.
In this case people need a 'transplant' of bacteria from someone else guts, tipically a close familiar.
This is just one step from literally being a transplant of feces.
This is also why algae and plancton is quite successful and been around since life began.
If I was healthy enough, which I know sadly I am not, I would go in a heartbeat. It has always been a dream of mine to live long enough to see space being colonized and hopefully go myself. At least I should get half that dream and maybe one of my kids or grandkids will go and keep in (email) touch with me so I can at least live vicariously through them. Yes I said email because it shouldn't take long or be too difficult for them to set something like that up.
.............. seems nothing is safe .....................
I heard Domino's now delivers to Mars. I'm set...