I did some quick searching but did not find anything so I thought I would post a question about a build idea I have been tossing around.
I have a 12 Fighter/6 Paladin/2 Monk (Kensei/HoTD) TWFer now and find I enjoy him quite abit. I was thinking of TRing him but in that thought process I thought about how he could be better. So my questions:
Has anyone done a 12 Paladin/6 Fighter (or Ranger)/2 Monk? And how do you like it if you have one.
I know I would be giving up Power Surge and some other Kensei II benifits but being able to take Exhalted Smite II and Divine Sacrifice II along with gaining immunity to negative energy attacks from HoTD II or gaining some DPS back against evil outsiders with KoTC II seems inticing enough to ask about it.
Anyway, more of just an opinion thread. Let me know what you think.