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  1. #1
    Hero RaidMR's Avatar
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    Default UI Suggestion: Collectible Turn in Interface like Mabar Mote Turn in?

    After forgetting about collectibles for awhile I was floored at the amount of clicking through I had to do to complete trades with collectors. A few days later the Mabar preview hit and we were greeted with a new interface that speed up the process of turning in collectibles for Motes of Night.

    Is there anyway we can get that type of interface to work with the regular collectors?
    The idea would be to have the window pop up listing the options for turn in, and the the various collectibles and quantities the NPC is looking for. At the bottom of the screen you're list of matching collectibles would appear (with out having to drag them out of the bag) and show how many of each you had. To turn them in, you would click on the turn in option and press the "trade" button. If you wanted to repeat the transaction you would only have to click the trade button again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Example

    In this example lets say you have turn ins for Davyd Turner in the Marketplace, you click on him to interact and reply "Would you be interested in any of these?" at which time the Mabar-Mote like window appears with the following options:
    • Blade of the Dark Six 3
    • Signet of the Devourer 2
    • Shamanic Totem 1

    Indicating that to trade he needs 3 Blades of the Dark Six, or 2 Signet of the Devourer's, or 1 Shamanic Totem for a trade. (of course in a much prettier icon-centric GUI)

    At the bottom of this window there's a place where the relevant collectibles appear in a list. (again using a pretty icon-centric GUI) For the example lets say it shows that you have 7 Blade of the Dark Six, 1 Signet of the Devourer and the last spot is blank (as you have no Shamanic Totems).

    Because of the quantity of collectibles in your inventory only satisfies the trade requirements of the first option (the Blades), the turn in options for the Signet and Totem are greyed out and unselectable. To trade your Blades of the Dark Six, you select that option in the top portion of the window, then click the trade button. After completing the trade (and collecting your arrows) you still have enough blades to make another trade. This time to repeat the transaction you just have to click on the trade button again and again the trade will be completed. Now that you'd have only 1 Blade left, that isn't enough to satisfy the trade condition and Davyd tells you "Come back when you have something I need."
    Is something like that possible? Even wanted?

  2. #2
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaidMR View Post
    After forgetting about collectibles for awhile I was floored at the amount of clicking through I had to do to complete trades with collectors. A few days later the Mabar preview hit and we were greeted with a new interface that speed up the process of turning in collectibles for Motes of Night.
    One thing existing collectors do that the Mabar turn-in doesn't, is look in bags. It would be a pain to have to pull the collectibles out to put them into the window. Walking up the the NPC, then spamming 'E' and Alt-F1 seems to work well enough. Not that it's worth bothering with for 99% of collectibles.

  3. #3
    Hero RaidMR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    One thing existing collectors do that the Mabar turn-in doesn't, is look in bags. It would be a pain to have to pull the collectibles out to put them into the window. Walking up the the NPC, then spamming 'E' and Alt-F1 seems to work well enough. Not that it's worth bothering with for 99% of collectibles.
    I agree that looking into bags is needed (and mentioned it above). Spamming keyboard commands to get through the dialogue options is still really clunky way to get things done (all be it faster than clicking in the current state of things).

  4. #4
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    I like current Collectors interface much better than Night Trader interface.

    To expand a little:

    Mote Collector interface is excellent, but it has a different purpose: you select what you want to buy. Night Trader always gives you same thing, so UI is unnecessarily cumbersome. The fact that collectibles must be out of the bag is annoying. Lack of "sell all" option is annoying. Actually I was not "selling all", but would keep one of each item after every trade-in, so they would stay in the same place in the inventory and I could see with a single "I" keypress how many I have. But that would be unnecessary if I could sell all from the bag.
    Last edited by brian14; 10-29-2010 at 01:30 PM.
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  5. #5
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    I would rather see a new NPC (or maybe one for each house) that allowed you to turn in all your collectables for straight platnum/gold. You would get maybe 25-75% of what the value of selling the items (no haggle considered but maybe house favor would apply would be, but would save the time required to run to all the various collectors. Perhaps there would be a minimum level required to use them. The NPCs could be street urchins or some other type of persons.

    In PnP, I would never bother with such a task after a given lvl, but rather, I would sit in the pub and hire someone to go deal with this sort of thing. Maybe even incorporate a chance of theft.

    But the current system is mostly just a time sink with minimal roi.

  6. #6
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Would be nice to be able to select what you get though. I love the cmw pots/wands. When I get the repair pots I laugh. Then have to find a guildie wf who would want it.

    But really I'm fine either way, it is kinda nice to have the randomness of it. See if you can fish your wish.

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  7. #7
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I'd like the idea, if they ever made turning in collectibles something that was worth doing. Currently it's just a trap to sucker in people that don't know the real value of Lightning-Split Soarwoods.
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  8. #8
    Hero RaidMR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I'd like the idea, if they ever made turning in collectibles something that was worth doing. Currently it's just a trap to sucker in people that don't know the real value of Lightning-Split Soarwoods.
    I hear that, for my first toon I can't tell you how many Feverbranch mushrooms were turned into Cure disease pots before I knew there true value. Luckily I learned that lesson before I turned in Lightning-Split Soarwoods!

    As for the value of collectibles, I mainly use them as a cheap way to resupply my ranger's arrows and the healing wands are nice to have for soloing. If you don't find the turn-ins useful, the option is always there to not collect them (or turn in collectibles), but for those that do the interface needs some love.

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