It seems that this spell point system gives a lot more spells per day for casting to wizards then in D&D (though not a lot more of DIFFERENT spells), but I'd like to know if it's going to stay like that at higher levels, that is if spell point progression is proportional to spell point costs or it falls behind eventually ?
Simply put if a 1. level wizard can cast about 15 level 1 spells does that mean that a high level wizard will be able to cast about 15 spells of his highest spell level (provided he doesn't spend anything on weaker spells at least) ?
Those spells may be more powerfull, but the monsters get proportionally more powerfull too, so if I get less spells of the highest spell level at higher levels I'm gonna be in a jam...
It looks like there's no damage from friendly fire in DDO, that's awesome for wizards, that means fireballs, meteor storms and the like are gonna be much more powerfull and simpler to use then in D&D.