I really believe when TRing you should be able to change your sex. If you can change your race, why not your sex? Is there any good reason for this not to be allowed?
I really believe when TRing you should be able to change your sex. If you can change your race, why not your sex? Is there any good reason for this not to be allowed?
I agree, you can TR to WF! And no matter what ddo says, A WF is an it. they may want to be maleish or femaleish but really they are just a bucket of bolts.
Your starting a new life, as in being reborn. You shouldn't have to stay the same sex. Its just silly.
With one addition - a once per TR name change... so you can modify your name to match your toon's sex.
I've heard that having a sex change .... Can be VERY expensive.... $$$$ and that the OP has paid for one.....
j/k... but Turbine could make some money..
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As the sex of the character has no bearing on gameplay other than looks, a TR should be able to change sex. There may be some sort of weird issue connected to the toons name, though, in programming.
Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
Cannith Server
Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.
I want more than 2 gender options.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Some people want to stay in the middle. Like have a girl's upper parts and a male's lower parts.
I know someone on my server that's like that and they'd probably like another option.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
And if Turbine declines to do it they could be labeled as sexists.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
I wish Turbine would give us an answer on this.
/Signed to gender change on TR'ing. Why is this not possible? Changing race, but not gender?
The only thing I can figure is that Names are set in stone (although I find it hard to believe that any software uses a text field as a primary key and not an identity field that is numeric or a UID field) and they figure most names are gender specific. My two female toons - Velania and Ventrellia do not sound like male names, and my male toons - Asheras and Renvar are both not good female names.
So, unless gender change is prohibited because it will be just a pain without name change ability, I can't see why this isn't available.
Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber
Well since this one is suggesting TR sex change, hmm...oh I know!
You: Hey can I ask a favor?
Reaper: I suppose Soujorner, what do you desire?
You: Can you reincarnate me with girl parts this time?
Reaper: -awkward pause- Excuse me soujorner I may have heard you wrong, what did you ask?
You: Make me a woman when I reincarnate please.
Reaper: What do you expect me to do with the male parts of your soul?
You: I dunno, hell?
Reaper: They don't pay me enough to do this ****.
Home Server: Cannith
I farm TP on cannith, my goal is the Vault, Vale, and Gianthold, send me a pm on the forums if you wanna joinI am broccolli, and I am a vampire, 'nough said.