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  1. #1
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010

    Default Advice on End Gear

    Any advice on my end gear? This is what I have so far. Please note I'm looking for a reasonable balance between effort and output. (No long grinds. I think 99% is fine).

    Redundancies are omitted.

    Helm: Minos Legens (+20 HP, Heavy Fort)

    Necklace: Epic Necklace of Venom (+40 HP, Poison Immunity, +5 AC)

    Ring1: Epic Ring of Venom (+6 DEX, -20% Threat and massive CON damage on 20's)

    Ring2: Ring of the Ravager (+6 STR, +1 EXC STR, +2 EXC STR)

    Belt: Colethenis's Belt (+6 CON, chance of 2d6 damage and four rounds of additional damage)

    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles (+5 SA Bonus, True Seeing, +15 Spot/Search)

    Main Hand: Radiance Rapier (+6 Dex (should've been Flaming I know), Good Burst, Fire Blast, Radiance), Vacuum Rapier as well (Shock, Evil Burst, Shocking Blast, Trap the Soul)

    Off Hand: Lightning Shortsword (Shock, Good Burst, Shocking Blast, Lightning Strike)

    Armor: Epic Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers (+4 Attack, Greater Fire Resistance, +15 Hide, augmented with +2 Good Luck, +6 INT)


    Bracers: Tharnes (-20% Threat)

    Boots: +30% Striding Boots with some balance

    Cloak: Greensteel (+45 HP, +6 Dex Skills, Smoke Concealment)

    Trinket: Shimmering Arrowhead (+4 seeker. I pulled one on my first Shipment run, go figure)

    I don't want too many more epic items, because they *are* a grind. I'm only the shard away from the Leathers, and the Venom set is so good that I'll practically need to start getting it. SFL is rare and I need all the threat reduction I can get.

    For bracers I was thinking Tharne's for the set bonus, since compared to the buddies I run Epics with my damage output is abusrd (TRed Pure Halfling Assassin (STR based)).

    Bloodstone is an obvious choice for my trinket. It's cost is huge though, so I'll stick with Shimmering arrowhead, which gives +4 seeker.

    I'm going to make a VacII Rapier because then I'd have an Air+Positive and an Air+Negative. Plus they're both good weapons. I'll pull out my RadII only when I have aggro from my target, since the blindness movement AI does annoy some people.
    Last edited by Qezuzu; 10-27-2010 at 11:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    That's a good setup with all the bases covered. Some things to think about:

    I don't see any UMD or Charisma items. That means your standing UMD is going to be somewhere around 30 (give or take, depending on feats). That's too low to rely on a Heal scroll when you need it and you're going to have to do some item swapping to get higher. Consider replacing your gloves with Seven Finger Gloves (which are a nasty grind, I admit) and using your cloak slot for your HP item. Everyone plays their rogue different but one of the most important abilities Dresek has is being able to 100% UMD a heal scroll without swapping any gear.

    Have you made the LitII shortsword? If not, consider a rapier. The huge crit range makes it dramatically superior to a shortsword for only -2 AB. With all that Strength, and the Vulkoorim Leathers, your AB will be fine.

    Also, take a loot at the Gloves/Bracers of the Claw set. They are as tough a grind as the venom set but +4 damage is huge. I'm still not sold on them due to the increased threat but it's tough to pass up on +4 damage.

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  3. #3
    The Hatchery
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    Note that I have the Sneak of Shadows PL feat, which gives me +10 to damage +5 to attack for 3mins per rest. 20% extra threat for +4 to damage is counter intuitive.

    Yes the LitII is at Tier2... I really wish we could "deconstruct" our GS items for at least a portion of our ingridients back (like I have a double negative HP GS gloves that I'm going to trash...) I wasn't aware that the oversized penalty was only -2.

    I have Titan's Grip gloves as well, so I've switched the GS item to the cloak anyway. The EXC INT on the ring has been replaced with STR. Now, I need a gloves item. I do weekly Titan runs so I'll hopefully get a 7-Fingered someday.

    I have 34 standing UMD with no items switched (23 Base, +1 mastery, +1 PL feat, +4 GH, +3 Skill Focus*, +2 Luck). That's no failing a heal scroll by switching two items. When I make a +6 GS item, that will be one item. I'll certainly be recrafting my LitII into a Rapier, my RadII without the DEX, and a +6 CHR and maybe +6 INT items once I have multiple toons running shroud (I have one. Everyone else is at lvl4 :P) My EXC Skill GS's will go in the bracers spot.

    *That may be replaced with PA if I get the 7-Fingered Gloves, or when I finish the GS.
    Last edited by Qezuzu; 10-27-2010 at 11:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member CrushingInklings's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qezuzu View Post
    Boots: +30% Striding Boots with some balance
    Madstone boots?

  5. #5
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrushingInklings View Post
    Madstone boots?
    Situational, at best.

    Being madstoned when you need to UMD a heal scroll is not worth being madstoned, for me, most of the time. I'll put them on in no-brainer raids or quests, like Shroud or VoD but if it's anything where there's even a slim possibility that I'll need to be self sufficient, I won't wear them.

    That being said, isn't there something that dumps madstone rage?

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  6. #6
    Community Member CrushingInklings's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    Situational, at best.

    Being madstoned when you need to UMD a heal scroll is not worth being madstoned, for me, most of the time. I'll put them on in no-brainer raids or quests, like Shroud or VoD but if it's anything where there's even a slim possibility that I'll need to be self sufficient, I won't wear them.

    That being said, isn't there something that dumps madstone rage?
    yes defensive stance.

    and guild healing pots IMO are much better then scrolls cause you can chug them while madstoned. Does get expensive though.

  7. #7
    Community Member khaldan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrushingInklings View Post
    yes defensive stance.

    and guild healing pots IMO are much better then scrolls cause you can chug them while madstoned. Does get expensive though.
    110(or 132 with a healing amp ToD ring) is far, far better than a 20-30 pot. Scrolls allow me to jump out of combat for a sec, scroll, then go back in. I can't do that with a potion.

  8. #8
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    1) If you slot your armour with +6 cha instead of int and pick up a bunny hat from the DDO store, then with just GH you'll have no fail heal scrolls in full combat duds.

    2) I really like the Shintao set for rogues, the +15 concentration is great for a melee class that has no fail heal scrolls in their DPS gear. To make it work with your gear layout though you'll probably have to go for something like the epic dustless boots(use the yellow slot for GFL).

    3) Healing amp is nice, you might want to shroud craft a healing amp stick(10/20/30 healing amp) to off hand when scrolling yourself. I'd suggest a monk one hander to future proof yourself in case you ever TR with monk levels, as the Jidz-Tet'ka can get you another 25% amp.
    Last edited by Ayseifn; 11-08-2010 at 10:44 AM. Reason: typo

  9. #9
    Community Member CrushingInklings's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khaldan View Post
    110(or 132 with a healing amp ToD ring) is far, far better than a 20-30 pot. Scrolls allow me to jump out of combat for a sec, scroll, then go back in. I can't do that with a potion.

    Situational. More then not a pot does the job and doesn't require you to leave combat at all. It all depends on what you are doing.

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