I was thinking more of a melee focus with spells for buff/debuff maybe. Opinions? Ideas? I'm leaning toward Drow (big surprise for those that know me) but I may go WF instead.
I was thinking more of a melee focus with spells for buff/debuff maybe. Opinions? Ideas? I'm leaning toward Drow (big surprise for those that know me) but I may go WF instead.
"Yes Rassiter, yet there remain two problems. One, I work alone. (dagger in Rassiter's heart) And two. You are dead."
-Artemis Entreri
I personally like Tukaw's build posted here. It was made when the cap was 20, but if you scroll down it shows the update for level 20 and when he TR'd. It is a 16 sorc 2 rogue 2 pally.
Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).@>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@
Thank you greatly! I'll go there right now.
"Yes Rassiter, yet there remain two problems. One, I work alone. (dagger in Rassiter's heart) And two. You are dead."
-Artemis Entreri
The build is great when properly geared ... probably the highest survivability build in game.
The key is properly geared... you sincerely need to pick up divine power clickies ASAP (typically lvl 9, 7 if rr). Or you will frustrate yourself with not being able to him most anything.
Had my Conc. Opp. and other guards in play and was a really fun build. When I finally got the torc - the build is just crazy fun. But the to hits really never stand on their own...
I've only been playing for a couple of months so I will probably start funding it with another of my characters.
"Yes Rassiter, yet there remain two problems. One, I work alone. (dagger in Rassiter's heart) And two. You are dead."
-Artemis Entreri
I tried that with Chaszmyr all the way up to level 20 (pal2/sor18). I found him to be underpowered and mostly pedestrian due to a lack of feats. He is TRed now as a ftr1/wiz9 and does very well blocking in the middle of a Wall of Fire with Shield Mastery. I will also have enough feats to raise the DC of my insta-kills. I just can't decide whether to get another level of fighter or not.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
I'm still thinking about a more melee based pal/sorc...not so focused on caster damage, more caster buffs/debuffs. Wondering what the best split would be to get decent sorc support spells and decent melee too. Is it even possible?
"Yes Rassiter, yet there remain two problems. One, I work alone. (dagger in Rassiter's heart) And two. You are dead."
-Artemis Entreri
Please note that I play these sorts of characters and so I do what to encourage the idea but also want to help you understand the potential drawbacks.
A question that you may want to answer is why not be a mellee with a bunch of spell clickies / consumables etc rather than the hybrid with spell points and a bunch of Divine Power clickies?
Since I play in a guild and pug vale raids mainly epic matters not at all and I can often not need my DP clickies. (I have an elf AA wiz 15 rgr 2 rog 2 and use DP most often to maximize fire rate with multishot - I rarely need it for hitting stuff) This character is reincarnated from a drow sorc 14 pally 3 rog 3 and I like the wiz version much better.
Also with SP I'm going to buff people other than me, everyone gets blur GH, haste etc.
For debuffs you are probably splitting your abilities too much since you needs high saves and high str.
And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp
The debuffing is what requires a good DC/Spell Penetration. The reason I suggested Wizard is because you can boost your spellcasting prowess with Spell Focus and Spell Penetration feats (with the extra four feats you get). It makes up for splashing the melee levels. Or maybe you are set on Sorcerer...in which case disregard my posts.
I'd recommend a WF 12 Sorc/6 Pal/2 monk if you really want a melee-focused sorc. It's not my favorite (which is why Capricious is still only level 15 on his first life), but if you really enjoy the faster casting (for some spells) and higher spell point pool of a sorc over a wiz then that's the build I'd run with.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
I was trying to add classes together that share a sort of focus in ability...cha. is important to pal and sorc. maybe a Pal/ftr would be a better idea. Sounds like this idea is set up to fail so I may have to abandon it.
"Yes Rassiter, yet there remain two problems. One, I work alone. (dagger in Rassiter's heart) And two. You are dead."
-Artemis Entreri
I have a capped 15sorc/3pal/2monk and do find him under whelming at end game, but he was alot of fun lvling.
Enjoying that style and I found this build and am slowly lvl him, also alot of fun at low and mid lvls.