Howdy, everyone! I've just acquired a pile of big ticket items and the best way to trade big ticket for big ticket is the forums. Here's what I've got.
4 Demon's Blood
Shavarath Iron
Greensteel Blanks (made on demand ^^)
Sun Blade
Lich Dust
2k+ Mote of Night
5 Portable Holes
holy greater lawful outsider bane light repeating crossbow
+5 metalline/pg bastard sword (I know, exciting until the very end)
Ioun Stones (prot and con)
+2 weakening khopesh of enfeebling (RR: WF, UMD 20, ml 10)
Dimension Door scrolls
Major sp pots
+2 holy greataxe of greater dwarf bane (for when Malachi the Breaker has to die .5 seconds faster!)
Feather Falling Boots of Feather Fall (5 clickies, 46/50 dura)
The usual suspects: cool items, currency items (scales of any color or species, boot ingredients, etc.), and anything else I can sell for a profit
Use this thread or harass Claisen to set up a deal!
I am nearing the plat cap, so I'm willing to shell out cash for currency items so that I can allow more liquid fundage in my trades in the future.