Ok I'm on my first toon to the vale levels so this seems to be the easiest to use GS crafting site I've found:
From what I can tell from searching the forums I want to make a Rad II rapier first, then an HP item (probably cloak?) second, most likely with RadII guard. So if any of these choices are flat wrong please point them out (other than the fact that I'm a dex build making a rapier, plz ;P):
#1 item: Rad II Rapier
Flaming Burst
+2 exceptional Dex
#2 item: +45 hp RadII cloak
+1 constitution skills (also +10 HP)
+2 dexterity skills (also +15 HP)
+3 dexterity skills (also +20 HP)
maybe a trap the soul for off hand ? lol might get some use out of trapmaking ( just kidding, i was really just looking at how to get more exceptional stats out of my weaps )...
#3 options
-Min II, acidburst, holy, +2 exceptional con rapier with stoneskin
-+9 int, enervation rapier with waves of exhaustion
I'll burn that bridge when I actually make a single GS item!