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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default VERY First green steel items to create feedback please

    Ok I'm on my first toon to the vale levels so this seems to be the easiest to use GS crafting site I've found:

    From what I can tell from searching the forums I want to make a Rad II rapier first, then an HP item (probably cloak?) second, most likely with RadII guard. So if any of these choices are flat wrong please point them out (other than the fact that I'm a dex build making a rapier, plz ;P):

    #1 item: Rad II Rapier
    Flaming Burst
    +2 exceptional Dex

    #2 item: +45 hp RadII cloak
    +1 constitution skills (also +10 HP)
    +2 dexterity skills (also +15 HP)
    +3 dexterity skills (also +20 HP)

    maybe a trap the soul for off hand ? lol might get some use out of trapmaking ( just kidding, i was really just looking at how to get more exceptional stats out of my weaps )...

    #3 options
    -Min II, acidburst, holy, +2 exceptional con rapier with stoneskin
    -+9 int, enervation rapier with waves of exhaustion

    I'll burn that bridge when I actually make a single GS item!
    Last edited by neclon; 10-26-2010 at 01:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Zilta's Avatar
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    what class are you? if your a dex based rogue then yes rad 2 to start is definitely the way to go I cant see a reason the put exceptional dex on your rapier unless you plan to craft different exceptional bonuses onto ToD rings. later on you will probably want to make a set of min 2 rapiers to break dr of bosses but to start off rad 2 is definitely a nice plan.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I cant see a reason the put exceptional dex on your rapier
    This is exactly the type of info I am unaware of. ToD rings I guess seem to be missing from that site I was using... I have the DDO game guide but it's the synergy between items that I don't fully understand plus vale is the first high level crafting I've even started to look into.

    I'm an elf dex-based dark blade somewhat modified:

    I am guessing I'll get to eventually loot one of these rings at the bottom of this page and add a +2 dex to it? Maybe a +2 cha or (if i dont +9 int off hand +2int) to a 2nd ring?

    Maybe I'll have an easier time if I just look up a full build of a rogue with items and copy it lol.

  4. #4
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    depending on how patient you are, you may want to craft an earthgrab weapon as your very first weapon. mostly because earthgrab costs half as many larges (and if you're in a halfway decent guild, by the time you've farmed the larges you can probably get any smalls and mediums you may miraculously actually not already have anyways easily... honestly, smalls and mediums are so easy to come by i'm surprised people actually sell them on the auction house and (presumably) get anything close to the amount they're asking for)

    in fact, an earthgrab weapon is something you'll likely want for epics as well, particularly since right now radiance is interacting in a not-so-nice way with immobilising effects. earthgrabbed enemies get autocritted, and don't fight back, but enemies blinded by radiance will happen much more often. if i were to suggest a third greensteel (ie after the rad II cloak), it would be an earthgrab weapon (you may also wish to consider the cloak being earthgrab guard, since again... it immobilises and grants autocrits). it's really up to you i guess. (if you can be patient enough though, definitely go for the radiance... it's a wonderful thing being able to sneak attack enemies even when you have aggro).

    that said, getting all those ingredients is not likely to be as easy as you had hoped...

    edit: oh, and you joke about the vacuum/trap the soul weapon... but they're actually pretty good for epics. trap the soul is not a death effect, and it can help a lot when epic mobs just suddenly disappear instead of having to be melee'd down to nothing.
    Last edited by Jaid314; 10-26-2010 at 01:35 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tom_Hunters's Avatar
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    rad II suits rogues so well, u will love it

    but just rmb there's now a new named item Cloak of night, seems it's rogue's favorite
    maybe u can find another spot for HP item?

  6. #6
    Community Member Gadget2775's Avatar
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    General thought...Unless it's for a caster (wisdom/int) I wouldn't put a + exceptional stat on a weapon. Especially now that ToD rings are available. Here's a link for ToD Ring crafting possiblities, and here's a link to the ring sets (look half way down for the Prestige Enhancements Item Sets
    D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
    Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).

  7. #7
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    The only thing better than one radiance weapon is *two* radiance weapons. Yes, they are *that* good. I went with an “assassin blade” (+6 INT/Good Burst/+2 Exceptional INT) for my offhand. (Used to be that 99% of mobs above level 14 were immune to fire.) And the standard Holy/Flaming Burst/Flaming Blast on my mainhand.

    At the moment, I would hold off on doing a greensteel cloak. U7 gave us 2 really good options for high level cloaks. (Epic Envenomed cloak and the Epic Mabar Festival cloak.) The braciers slot is looking good if you’re using dragontouched armor.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

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