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  1. #1
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default The Tuskstunner!

    I was answering another thread asking for options on Horc favoured souls and outlined my new build in it, then thought 'why not put the build up and see what everything thinks of this' so here goes... The Tuskstunner!~

    Started with 16 con and 20 str - 1st round TR toon (previous life favoured soul).

    Had +3 str and a +3 int in the bank. Start int was 10, start char was 10, dex is dump, wis is minimal. Took toughness and extend as first couple of feats.
    Level ups into str, take 1st level as fighter, and a 2nd fighter level at 12 (after u've eaten that +3 int tome) all other levels are favoured soul.

    Now qualified for combat expertise, improved trip and stun for CC, with that crucial extra fighter feat for 2 lvl's of fighter, final Str is 40 unraged.
    Str - 20base +5 level ups +6 item + 3 ap's (2 x orc enh, +1 x fighter enh) + 3 tome +3 except (tod ring - has the 'fvs' ring - telvi's except wis+1, char+6, with except str+2 crafted - and a +1 excep STR on 2nd tier of his DT armour).

    1 x ap into trip dc, 1 x ap into stun dc (use +10 weapons for this of course).
    I also crafted a DT heavy armour before TR, and have greater potency on the sovereign tier at the moment, i'll stick with this for now and am going for probably go for a resist 5/except str+1 on eldritch and tempest to enable some more efficient slotting (though i'm still considering a damage guard, a bit up in the air on that one).

    I crafted a holy/good burst falchion before i TR'd him (2 tiers done) for good trash damage, and will be crafting sup dev on the tier 3 when i get him up and back into the shroud (making her a triple pos weapon).
    He's been using the new Greatsword from the eye of stone 'coinlord' chest from lvl 10 up till now (Carnifex from lvl 4-10), and my god is that a serious bit of fun weaponry (the con damage is great for making sure that trip/stun land when you throw them).
    I've taken improved crit slashing in the character plan (though that will be near the end as quicken will probably be more important in lower teen levels while trying to mass heal and fight my way through GH as a 'healer' :P) and will be sure to see some great damage here (have power attack taken very early in the build as well - more damage is good! xD)

    I've a silver/holy/enfeebling greatsword for DR boss beating, though will prob craft a min 2 greataxe eventually (always short on those scales - i'll get to it, eventually :P)

    I've put all skill points into intim and umd atm, i'll be catching up on concentration in the mid levels (though he'll be quickened during combat most of the time to be honest) and with his con opp goggles with the except char skills both are fairly useable, though intim probably won't be a no fail for raid bosses (has tower shield prof of course, so tanking trash and orthon's will be a handy thing in some raids).

    He's at level 11 atm, and his trip and stun are really coming into their own, he can do lvl 9 spells no problems (when capped of course - his char qualifies), wears heavy armour, and uses great weapons (has the +4 into greatweapon damage horc enh).

    Final sp is almost spot on 2500, and with his staff of the petitioner he'll be able to eak those out nicely when he's raid healing (has the glacial bracers in the bank for when he gets there + his con opp goggles to get to this total). I'll be taking mass heal as his only lvl 9 spell, taking into account his DC's which probably won't be useable for implosion.

    Final wisdom is 18, which will be 'ok' on his BB, but to be honest, the melee damage he's putting out will make his BB more of a 'soften them up first' option before he wades in for the kill.

    I'm finding this an immense amount of fun, and an equal contender with a lord of blades (minus the end game DR, but without the healing disadvantage).

    Built for fun, but will be a raid able healer (couldn't fit empower in, but have maximise/extend/quicken, and all usual healer ap's able to be spent).

    Another viable option, i'll know just how end game viable he is first time i take him in to solo sins (should be another week or so i spose).

    Let me know what you think, it might be a fun option for well geared people out there to play with

    Coit out~
    Last edited by pSINNa; 11-18-2010 at 05:51 PM.
    Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda

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