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  1. #1
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    Default Help with starting a ranger

    I've played the game before for fun, but now I'm thinking about playing DDO with a bit more seriousness. So I'm not exactly sure what works and what doesn't for a ranger, but I do know how the game works and I've done some reading on rangers.

    My thoughts:

    I'm a free player, so I have a 28 point build, and my race is elf, and I'll use a custom build similar to a tempest.

    Str: 17
    Dex: 15
    Con: 14
    Int: 8
    Wis: 8
    Cha: 8

    In terms of feats, I'll probably go with dodge-mobility-spring attack.
    I'll dual wield longswords on Korthos, though I'll get scimitars at Stormreach harbor and upgrade to khopeshes eventually.

    In terms of spells, I'll probably go into mostly healing, so that I don't have to worry about health too much.
    My favored enemies will be undead, evil outsiders, and abberations, but I'm not sure in which order or what the fourth should be.
    My fighting will be compromised of using my bow to pull and dual wielding to finish.

    My questions:
    Is there any need to take any dual wielding or archery feats, as most are provided by the class?
    When do khopehses become available (as in, around what lvl can I find them so I take take proficiency in them).
    The best bow to use once I get to Stormreach is the composite longbow as far as I know, but are there better options?
    What kind of armor is best, considering my low dex bonus?
    Because I'm using a custom build, will I not have access to the enhancements like Tempest I through III?
    Will multiclassing bring any helpful additions to this kind of build?

    Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. I'll probably post more questions as I come up with them.
    Last edited by Vanaskus; 10-25-2010 at 07:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Spiderwight's Avatar
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    Dodge / Mobility / Spring Attack are pre-reqs for the Tempest enhancements, so a good plan to have all of those by level 6.
    You don't want to dual-wield at all until you hit level 2 - the penalties to your attack roll will be horrible. At level 2, you can dual-wield longswords, but you'll hit more frequently if you wield a longsword and shortsword (with the shortsword in your off-hand.)
    There is no need to take any TWF feats - it would be a waste to do so since you'll get them all for free (except Oversized TWF, but that's not really one you need). Equally, don't take any bow feats that you'll get for free from the class.
    Khopeshes are available as soon as you reach Stormreach.
    Custom builds do not prevent you from taking Prestige Enhancements - but you do need to make sure you check the pre-requisites and meet them.

  3. #3
    Community Member Fetchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanaskus View Post
    My questions:
    Is there any need to take any dual wielding or archery feats, as most are provided by the class?

    As a ranger, you will get the two weapon fighting feat line for free. The only one you may want to take that you don't get automatically is Oversized Two Weapon Fighting. You will get all the ranged feats you need for free as well. You will get manyshot for free at level 6. Since you are going Tempest, you won't need to pick up any ranged feats.

    When do khopehses become available (as in, around what lvl can I find them so I take take proficiency in them).

    Kopeshes become available anytime you want them. You probably will want to use something lighter in your off hand until you at least get Tempest I at level 6 if you are having trouble hitting things. I would suggest a scimitar + kukri or rapier + shortsword.

    The best bow to use once I get to Stormreach is the composite longbow as far as I know, but are there better options?

    Your best bet for damage is going to be a longbow, but that doesn't mean you should skip over a shortbow is something really good comes along. The first good bow you will want to pick up is going to the Silver Longbow. It is minimum level 6 and drops from the Temple of Vol quest in House Phiarlan. This bow will carry you until you get a greensteel.

    What kind of armor is best, considering my low dex bonus?

    You will be restricted to light armor. So Mithral Breastplate is going to be your best bet.

    Because I'm using a custom build, will I not have access to the enhancements like Tempest I through III?

    If by custom you mean that you are not on a set path, then yes you will be able to get Tempest as long as you meet the level, feat and enhancement requirements.

    Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. I'll probably post more questions as I come up with them.
    Answers in red. Hope this helps.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the help. I'm still not sure about the following.

    Is multiclassing useful in any way?

    And for favored enemies, I have:
    1. Undead
    2. ???
    3. Evil Outsiders
    4. Aberrations

    I'm not sure about the order for the last two, but what's another useful favored enemy to pick up?

    Finally, will I get most of my gear from quests, or should I look into pawn shops? And does running quests on epic give better rewards?
    Last edited by Vanaskus; 10-25-2010 at 09:13 PM.

  5. #5
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    If going tempest it is best to multi class because your get tempest 3 at lvl 18. you can go 2 rogue/monk/fighter etc. or go 1/1 like rogue/monk or rogue fighter. As for favor enemies i go undead, evil, giant then choose between element or construct. I personally take element. Look at the exploiter build it is very fun to play.

    Good Luck.

  6. #6
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    I checked out the exploiter build, and it was pretty good for ideas. I'm now thinking of starting with a rogue at lvl 1, going to ranger, and then throwing in a level of fighter for the feat and hp boost.

    My questions:

    Is the fighter worth it? I don't have monk (not enough turbine points) and I won't be buying any points. So is it better to take the one lvl of rogue and go ranger the rest, or should I take the fighter or something else in there? Also, my stat build will be changed to the following because of the rogue:

    Str: 15
    Dex: 14
    Con: 14
    Int: 12
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 8

    This I think allows for more skill points, and with ability changes (Every 4 lvls) and the enhancements to Dex as a ranger, as well as whatever items I may get, will get me to a higher Str, Dex, Wis, and maybe even Con. I only need to raise my Wis to 14, and I think a minimum of 18 Dex and Str isn't bad. Does this sound reasonable?

  7. #7
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    You might want to throw a level of fighter in to get things like Haste Boost. I've got a 4/1 Dwarf Ranger/Fighter I've been experimenting with (he's going to eventually be 18/2, haven't decided when to toss in the 2nd fighter level yet, but it will be after he gets Tempest I) where having that extra DPS at the right time comes in very handy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  8. #8
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Take a look at tihocan's Tempest build to start: it takes a rogue splash for UMD, ftr splash for extra feat & HPs. If you also want trap skills, take a look at my Tempest trapmonkeys; I didn't post an elf version, but the dwarf can be readily adapted to elf instead.

  9. #9
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Take one level of Fighter pretty early...that will get you heavey armor proficiency. That will be useful at lower levels, but will become less of a benefit a later levels.

  10. #10
    Community Member Mercureal's Avatar
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    Fighter is a decent choice if you want a third class, it gets you a feat, a toughness enhancement for 1 AP and Fighter Attack Boost (+2 to attack for 20 seconds) for 1 AP. You get access to Haste Boost but you can also get that with Rogue. The extra feat is nice as an elven ranger, since you'll be pretty squeezed for feats.

  11. #11
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    Thanks guys, all of this helped a lot.

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