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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Help with starting a ranger

    I've played the game before for fun, but now I'm thinking about playing DDO with a bit more seriousness. So I'm not exactly sure what works and what doesn't for a ranger, but I do know how the game works and I've done some reading on rangers.

    My thoughts:

    I'm a free player, so I have a 28 point build, and my race is elf, and I'll use a custom build similar to a tempest.

    Str: 17
    Dex: 15
    Con: 14
    Int: 8
    Wis: 8
    Cha: 8

    In terms of feats, I'll probably go with dodge-mobility-spring attack.
    I'll dual wield longswords on Korthos, though I'll get scimitars at Stormreach harbor and upgrade to khopeshes eventually.

    In terms of spells, I'll probably go into mostly healing, so that I don't have to worry about health too much.
    My favored enemies will be undead, evil outsiders, and abberations, but I'm not sure in which order or what the fourth should be.
    My fighting will be compromised of using my bow to pull and dual wielding to finish.

    My questions:
    Is there any need to take any dual wielding or archery feats, as most are provided by the class?
    When do khopehses become available (as in, around what lvl can I find them so I take take proficiency in them).
    The best bow to use once I get to Stormreach is the composite longbow as far as I know, but are there better options?
    What kind of armor is best, considering my low dex bonus?
    Because I'm using a custom build, will I not have access to the enhancements like Tempest I through III?
    Will multiclassing bring any helpful additions to this kind of build?

    Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. I'll probably post more questions as I come up with them.
    Last edited by Vanaskus; 10-25-2010 at 07:20 PM.

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