Hi everyone! I'm writing today to pass along some news about the future of DDOcast, and to announce something personally amazing. It's an understatement to say that starting the podcast in early 2007 was one of my best decisions ever; it's simply the most fun and personally rewarding creative effort I've undertaken. I truly love Dungeons and Dragons Online and all of us that make up the best community in MMO-land. Doing 190ish shows means every now and then you go into the weekend wishing you had the free time to do something else instead, but there has never been a single week that I ended up wishing I'd done something else by the time the show was posted.
I'm announcing that this Friday's show, Episode 191, will be my last. Why? Turbine is giving me the chance to realize a life-long dream. I have often hoped for an opportunity to work in the gaming industry, and to now be able to work for my absolute favorite MMO developer is truly an honor and a privilege. It's a little early to tell you what I will be doing specifically, but I promise that I'll have more to say soon.
What will happen to DDOcast? I will keep the episodes and web site up for the foreseeable future. I will do my best to have the content available for as long as there is an interest in checking out the show and web site. It is also very possible that DDOcast will return/continue under new leadership. Again, it's a little early to announce anything, but stay tuned!
I've now rewritten this next part several times....how to possibly thank everyone who's been a part of the show?!?! I started putting together a "thank you" list and realized just how much work said task is. There have literally been dozens of people over the years who have been on the show, maybe over a hundred? I've had amazing segments sent in, taken part in wonderful conversations with people across the world, done countless interviews and had an unquantifiable amount of assistance to keep the show at its best (okay, so I've had 200d8 points of help, there, now it's quantified...) To say I couldn't have done it without you is an understatement, the truth is the show was not a success because of me but because of the passion, humor and knowledge you guys and gals (and cats, and dogs, and even a chicken) provided.
There are numerous people who dedicated their time to the show in a major way, let me just list a few. Thank you so much to Blackskull for writing the post on the DDO.com boards that got me thinking about doing a podcast in the first place, Rowanheal for her strength to handle strong reactions to strong opinions, Merlask for bringing tons of people to the show and for showing me that it is possible to take the next step and do amazing work, Lessah for being one of the coolest people I've ever met, Clankenbeard for being the funniest person I've ever met, Anne Trent for her writing and broadcasting genius, Sigfried Trent for truly being the King of Crunch, Rheebus for bringing such good fun to the show, Standpoint for being my brother and ally through this whole deal, Buzzsaw for showing me how criticism and humor can work like chocolate and peanut butter, Samius for being yourself in so many great ways, Xiloscient for teaching me a ton about how to play DDO well, Doctor Boutrous for bringing a lot of funny to the earliest shows, Alex for your insight and broadcasting skill, Skaggy for bringing the class to DDOcast, Eladrin for being my first "official" interview with someone from Turbine, Coldin, The Brute, AvariceGold, Dr. Firewater, Adan, Bekki, BigBadBerry, CaliforniaPiper, Carliee, Entimix, Bern, Govt Mule, Griphon, Hafael, Hambo, Hendrik, Impaqt, JakLee, Kalari, Kashka, Kayoz, Kosimo, Maes, Metakadeez, Nim, Pixelbox, Robi3.0, Seneca, Sorrowbladen, Stabbity, Sylvurdragon, Thad, Torrance, Ulfgaar, Zeff, Chris Molsbee for putting me in print, Kudesnik for your support and Steiner-Davion for being a great friend. This is just scratching the surface! There have been so many people who have had a connection to the show, it's simply impossible to thank everyone (or remember to put them in a thank you list.) To everyone I've not mentioned here, please know that I wish I would have included you too. Thank you! Also thanks to Turbine for agreeing to be on the show over the years, for doing Ask the Devs with me and for your tireless support of the DDO community. It's humbling to think about how many people have believed in me and the show, none of this would ever have happened without you.
Thanks to Sacred Flame Guardians on Sarlona and the DDOcast Build Guild on Orien for being the best guilds I could ever hope for, Aerenal (RIP, you old server) for being a great place to start, DDO-Daily for doing great news, DDO Reports for bringing the world of DDO to Twitter in a big way, Ron's Character Planner and the Ultimate DDO Game Guide for being so helpful and the DDO Wiki for being the one place I knew I could get an answer quickly if an answer exists. To every DDO fan and fan site out there, you all rule!
There may well be some folks who read this and see the news as an opportunity to start their own show, do their own thing. I say go for it! A podcast can be a lot of work and commitment, but is rewarding in so many ways. When I started I was the only "DDO show" out there, but the podcasting scene now includes several other great DDO-focused programs. Please continue to check them out and support them!
Finally, I guess I'd just say that one of the best parts of this announcement is that it's not a goodbye, just a goodbye to me doing DDOcast. I can't wait to take the next step.
May all your attack rolls be crits, and all your chests level-appropriate. Have fun and don't forget to gather for buffs!
Jerry Snook