After sending enough complaints and reports to the teckies about this issue I'll have to say even playing a VIP account and the priorities "claimed" to be offered I'm sadly disappointed on the responses and "care taking" from those at Turbine.

I know this is a "client side" issue even if Turbine will claim it's not. So Listen, your depraving me of my game time play, your NOT addressing the issue but passing the buck, and your teckies are NOT as smart as you give them credit for if I have to keep either relogging because of client crash or dungeon conflict (code issues).

I don't pay for a game to be more disappointed in poor client performance, constant disconnects, and otherwise loss of sensitive content.

Problem: I log in, load my character, run amok around the Harbor deciding what to do first and then enter the Market gate, all of a SUDDEN *crash*.... doh

How many error reports and tickets do I have to send your teckies ? I think every time it happens from now on I'll not only flood your queue with tickets I'll take the time to so backlog your emails you'll eventually fix the **** problem and give me the service I pay for