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  1. #41
    Community Member Wren666's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    Something like this could work out nicely, actually, nevermind the knee-jerk naysayers.

    And to the ignorant idiot who tried to equate including Samurai with DDO becoming Sailor Moon: you fail. even if you were trying to be funny. Yeah. See if you can notice a "monk" in the Class list the next time you reroll. LOLZ imma Ninja Spy!!!1
    Please check out and help build on ideas for a new Quest Type, a Jester Class, and a Xachosian Caster Class!
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  2. #42
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkadios View Post
    Ok i think we should add Druids before we think about any other classes. Druid was an original AD&D class and i'm suprised they havn't implemented it yet.
    Druids were introduced in Eldrich Wizardry, back in pre-historic times (ha). They were the first people to have Resist Fire (like a Fire Shield...kind of), and it was the ONLY thing that reduced energy damage at that point, because Resist Energy and Protection from Energy did not exist yet.

    Ok, wheel me off to the old D+Ders home.

    And you are right, we need to have Druids...and only one Grand Druid per Server! (ha....ok, old days too).

    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

    AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.

  3. #43
    Community Member Wren666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muffinlad View Post
    And you are right, we need to have Druids...and only one Grand Druid per Server!
    +Supported wholeheartedly with all my Turbine Points

    maybe one Archdruid per Guild
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  4. #44
    Community Member sirdanile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorgorothsixsixsix View Post
    it doesn't have to work that way. just like ranger has + to damage against his favored enemies, samurai has + damage against creatures with dr. there you go, dr bypassed.

    because there wasn't any stalwart fighters. we asked one and he was about to leave..... so we take a samurai instead. dude! first you said he can't keep aggro, then i told you how he can easily. now you are asking why not a stalwart... don't be fixed minded.

    toggle is definitely not a problem. think it like defensive fighting toggle. it just have 12 charges and once you outta them deactivated automatically. if they can't code such an easy thing then i don't know what they can.

    so, basically, you have to make your mind up. is it overpowered or weak? there's a reason why i didn't mention vorpal in my first post because that would be overpowered indeed.

    actually i'm not sure how cut magic can be implemented into a real time game. hmmm... this would be in the form of an aura i guess. and this aura gives players near you an effect similar to "blurry" but only against magical effects.

    then you are a better tank than stalwart against caster bosses.
    The + to damage vs enemies with dr would get too high when you use dr bypassing weaponry.

    If you're talking about intimitanking, of course you're gonna be comparing to the class that does it the best.

    If you want a toggle with charges you're going to find that "OOPS I used more than I wanted too" is going to happen a lot.

    Addressing the individual abilities to help balance a class is vital, the class is neither overpowered or weak but rather both at the same time focusing on different things.

    You do know that attack bonuses get well into the mid-high 50s right?

    Quote Originally Posted by gorgorothsixsixsix View Post
    also, monks have no flurry of attacks. the flurry of attacks they have is not flurry of attacks. so they are not monks.

    and yeah, i can edit but this comment needs its special post.
    The higher base attack bonus monks get when using centered weapons does actually increase their attack speed as well as their to-hit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deaths_ward View Post
    I actually read every post....I don't know why, but I did. Lets say the OP and anyone that agrees with him is Side A. Everyone else is Side B.

    The Argument Goes....

    Side A) Original, if not well thought idea, that I think could improve the game, what do you think?

    Side B) Oh no way it's Weak/Over Powered/Stupid/etc. and you're dumb for saying it.

    Side A) No, you're dumb, you just don't know how to recognize my genius.

    Side B) Yeah, genius like a five year old.

    Both Sides) NERD RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So there's the argument in it's entirety, can we go run the shroud for the nine thousandth time, I'm missing some larges for my goggles.
    First of all, neither side is truely nerd raging. Second of all this is inflammatory.

    While I may agree with part of this I don't like the way you insulted everyone for posting in a thread, constructive discussion or not, if I could neg rep I would do so to this post, but I cannot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkadios View Post
    Ok i think we should add Druids before we think about any other classes. Druid was an original AD&D class and i'm suprised they havn't implemented it yet.
    *Inserts Thread Derail*

    The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
    Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.

  5. #45
    Community Member Reos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post

    ... but if I "role" a samurai I'd like it to be Licitly (submissively) Naughty ... with the occasional sway of spontaneity.

    /kneel - My sword is yours my lord, what else shall you have of me?
    I propose this be the new focus of the thread!

  6. #46
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Just add some new visuals for weapons, and you can have a Samurai.
    Two-handed sword graphic similar to a no-dachi and you're sorted.
    There's already longsword graphics somewhat similar to a katana, so you can do twin "katanas".
    As for armour - not sure if the Guard of the Shogun from Threnal is what I picture it to be, but that could work. (anyone have a picture of it?!); or you could splash Monk and wear pajamas (aka a gi). Either way is fitting for a Samurai, it just depends which period of Japan we're talking about.

    As for class of choice, obviously go Fighter-Kensai. It suits Samurai very much.
    Forget the other abilities from Samurai from the various books - most of them are rubbish.

  7. #47
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    Being samurai is more of a state of mind, for starters, you don't need a PrC to reflect that. As for mechanics, we already have one. Kensai.

    Hint: Kensai means sword saint.
    Q&A is the business of pointing out others' failures. Optimists need not apply.

  8. #48
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maegin View Post
    Hint: Kensai means sword saint.
    Yep, exactly. And who's a sword saint, but one of the most famous Samurai that ever lived: Musashi.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post

    ... but if I "role" a samurai I'd like it to be Licitly (submissively) Naughty ... with the occasional sway of spontaneity.

    /kneel - My sword is yours my lord, what else shall you have of me?
    /facepalm Emili you are the best.
    Q&A is the business of pointing out others' failures. Optimists need not apply.

  10. #50
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyumiAmakusa View Post
    I want Mystic Theurge.

    Imagine the hotbars!!!!
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  11. #51
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    So 2 thoughts haunted me last night.

    The first was that picture of that female ninja. Cheeky little minx...

    The second is the concept of an 18 Fighter-Kensai / 2 Monk "samurai", with TWF longswords.
    Quick question for any dps-nerds who may be reading this - would the loss of Ftr capstone (10% doublestrike) be a significant dps loss compared to either 0% (if uncentered) or 2.5% doublestrike (if WSS route)?

    I realize he/she would already be gimped by going longsword over khopesh, but hey, it's a flavor build obviously.
    AC seems like it could be decent, and fire stance with Jidz for +25% healing could be quite nice.

    Even half-tempted for a Half-Elf with Rogue dile for the +3d6 SA dice.

  12. #52
    Community Member Wren666's Avatar
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    Exact implementations aside, this game could use an "anti-caster" or "mage-slayer" class.

    Maybe make the Samurai resistant to third-party buffs as well, while improving their saves against debuffs.
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  13. #53
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    Very confusing thread but Samurai in DnD has not much to do with real samurais from japanese history so a fighter kensei doesn't cut it. If you think Samurai as real people from history, you definitely don't need any new base or prestige class. Japanese chaotic fighter = bandit. Japanese lawful good fighter = Samurai. Whatever...

    DnD Samurai is something else. Much like monks. Real life monks also meditates and do "mystic" stuff but can they jump in the air, no. So, I liked the anti caster melee idea and high saves of a monk doesn't really make it an anti caster.

    Reflecting magic back. Cutting through buffs. Ignoring DR. Spike damage. Yet have to use light armor. Kind of weak against brute force. Killing beholder easier than a giant. This really would be fun to play.

    Last edited by minimomo; 12-27-2010 at 02:17 PM.

  14. #54
    Community Member wemery73's Avatar
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    / signed

    Quote Originally Posted by gorgorothsixsixsix View Post
    there are samurai in eberron? yeah.

    special abilities (these are stuff i chose from and tweaked a bit when too powerful. my intention was to create a melee class who is strong against casters)

    1. ancestral weaponry; the weapon chosen gains ghost touch property. (like kensei attack bonuses that would work only with the chosen weapon again)

    2. Pledge of Loyalty: +4 bonus against mind-affecting effects. (enchancement?)

    3. Kiai! (Ex): At 3rd level, a Samurai may convert a successful strike into a confirmed critical hit (...)

    note: this would be a toggle button with x charges. like if you activate it and miss, charge is not used. but if you hit it's a crit for sure and charge used.

    (...) He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to half his Samurai level + 2.

    4. Whirlwind Attack: A Samurai gains Whirlwind as a bonus feat at 4th level.

    5. Blindfighting: A Samurai gains Blind Fighting as a bonus feat at 6th level. If the Samurai already has this feat, he may choose a Combat Feat instead, but only if he meets the prerequisites of that feat.

    6. Terrible Blows (Su): At 6th level, a Samurai's Ancestral Weapon bypasses Damage Reduction and ignores Hardness. (this would be too much i guess, maybe an enhacement starts with 5 bypass damage reduction or something like that)

    6. Parry Magic (Su): At 8th level, a Samurai may use his Ancestral Weapon to parry magic targeted at him. When the Samurai is targeted by a spell or supernatural ability, he may take an Attack of Opportunity against the targeted effect. If he can make an attack roll against an AC equal to the spell or effect's DC with this Attack of Opportunity, the effect does not affect him. (super cool, no?)

    note; (SU)per natural abilities doesn't work in antimagic field like beholders'.

    7. Deny Caster Defenses (Ex): At 13th level, a Samurai attacking with his Ancestral Weapon ignores any AC bonuses on his targets that come from spells or spell-like abilities.

    8. Reflect Magic (Su): At 16th level, an spell effect that would be dispelled by a successful use of the Samurai's Parry Magic ability can instead be reflected back on the caster, as per a spell turning effect.

    even if not samurai, what other anti caster melee you would like to see in game?
    Ghallanda Guild Keepers of the Asylum & Plague -[ Beowulfs 14 fighter/3 pal / 3rog Drow]

  15. #55
    Community Member AndyD47's Avatar
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    Default 20 kensai fighter

    A twf bastard sword using fighter is basically already a samurai to my mind,wouldn't be to hard to roleplay it as such.
    Thelanis/Anndii 18 FvS Evoker - Ferrocious 20 Sorcerer
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  16. #56
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Sure lets add samurais.
    Then lets change all monsters and players to manga type models.
    Finally lets change game title to ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズオンライン .

    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  17. #57
    Community Member Kominalito's Avatar
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    face it. this will never, ever, ever happen.

    lets just say that you actually get samurai as a PRE. then what? recode new armors to look like asian medieval styles available? they will have to be available to everyone. then you will see that other classes will just LOOK like samaurai because they are 10x as effective as the class itself. then the only reason the PRE is in the game is motivation for devs to make new suits of armor, which is pointless...

    and like the post above, making anything asian in this game will (and i guarentee) completely change the scenery. with the massive influx of free players, what armor do YOU think they would pick if they had choice? there would be a good hard percentage of players all wearing the same gear. of course the next step is to make spells have animations 3 minutes long with mind numbing, epilipsy inducing color bursts, and pigtailed toons with sailor and/or school girl outfits. and mounts that look like My Little Ponies.

    /not signed.
    you changed, bro...

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kominalito View Post
    face it. this will never, ever, ever happen.
    Even if it happens, I will be long dead until then. Since when it is official that Druids are going to be implemented? Multiply that with 666 and that's when you will get any new class.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kominalito View Post
    lets just say that you actually get samurai as a PRE. then what? recode new armors to look like asian medieval styles available? they will have to be available to everyone. then you will see that other classes will just LOOK like samaurai because they are 10x as effective as the class itself. then the only reason the PRE is in the game is motivation for devs to make new suits of armor, which is pointless...
    There are halfling clerics with full plate. There are drow paladins in shining armor. There are barbarian bards. They first soulfully chant and put you in a trance and then they rage scattering saliva around in frenzy mode. Can you distinguish a rogue from a monk if they both using Dragon Touched armor? Can you tell if this is a ranger or twf fighter in full plate? It is not like as if all classes has their own set of armors anyway.

    A full plate of defender looks same on all classes. Just like Dragon Touched or Icy Rainments or anything named. What I mean is, call it Antimagic Dude if you want so you don't have to put new armor models with it. But give him reflect magic ability, make it a real anti caster. I don't care about Samurai fashion, I just think the game lacks real anti caster.
    Last edited by minimomo; 12-27-2010 at 02:47 PM.

  19. #59
    Community Member Talltale-Storyteller's Avatar
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    So at first I read the OP, and thought it was interesting, but un-needed.

    Then I thought AAxeyu's post was a little unnecessarily rude, and *almost* stuck up for the OP...

    Then I read the OPs responses to voodoo and Aranticus...

    At this point I decided the OP is a jerk with a bad attitude, and further reading supported this hypothesis.

    As far as an anti caster melee...I saw somebody say NOT monk?

    Stunning fist, quivering palm, Touch of Death, kukan-Do, sneak attack, obscene saves, immumities, and abundant step?

    How is that not a casters worst enemy? Discuss.

    Somebody asked about WSS dps... I will only say that with only 2 levels of monk you are not getting enough use out of your ki for the feat imo.
    Last edited by Talltale-Storyteller; 12-27-2010 at 02:57 PM. Reason: Edit: Yes I know monks can't have ALL that at the same time.
    Member of The Sublime Permadeath Guild on Thelanis.

    Go Hard or Go Home!

  20. #60
    Community Member Chazzie's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Hold on Time Out ~~Samurai ???

    Samurai ??? /NO TY !!!

    I kinda had a flashback to AD&D day when I seen the title,If I remember right didnt they come out with a (Orient hardback Book for AD&D) it had the Samurai,Monk,Ninja,& many other classes if I remember right collected over time when they came out with new classes through the Dragon Magz. I do remember some new guy showing up to play in our table game back in the day and had a Samurai Toon,The DM was like UMMM Nope sorry your toon I have no clue about never herd of it ,so the guy took the book out,I remember because the next day I went hunting and found the book....I was so bummed out to find 99% of the book came from past Dragon Mag toons add ons & After reading the book I didnt want to see these type of toons in game....I'll deal with the monk in DDO I like it & I think its a good fit....BUT I dont see the other past class toons fitting in this game , Sorry but nty

    Edit I found a Link To all the AD&D Item~The book at the top of the list is the one I was talking about~
    Last edited by Chazzie; 12-27-2010 at 03:44 PM.
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