there are samurai in eberron? yeah.
special abilities (these are stuff i chose from and tweaked a bit when too powerful. my intention was to create a melee class who is strong against casters)
1. ancestral weaponry; the weapon chosen gains ghost touch property. (like kensei attack bonuses that would work only with the chosen weapon again)
2. Pledge of Loyalty: +4 bonus against mind-affecting effects. (enchancement?)
3. Kiai! (Ex): At 3rd level, a Samurai may convert a successful strike into a confirmed critical hit (...)
note: this would be a toggle button with x charges. like if you activate it and miss, charge is not used. but if you hit it's a crit for sure and charge used.
(...) He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to half his Samurai level + 2.
4. Whirlwind Attack: A Samurai gains Whirlwind as a bonus feat at 4th level.
5. Blindfighting: A Samurai gains Blind Fighting as a bonus feat at 6th level. If the Samurai already has this feat, he may choose a Combat Feat instead, but only if he meets the prerequisites of that feat.
6. Terrible Blows (Su): At 6th level, a Samurai's Ancestral Weapon bypasses Damage Reduction and ignores Hardness. (this would be too much i guess, maybe an enhacement starts with 5 bypass damage reduction or something like that)
6. Parry Magic (Su): At 8th level, a Samurai may use his Ancestral Weapon to parry magic targeted at him. When the Samurai is targeted by a spell or supernatural ability, he may take an Attack of Opportunity against the targeted effect. If he can make an attack roll against an AC equal to the spell or effect's DC with this Attack of Opportunity, the effect does not affect him. (super cool, no?)
note; (SU)per natural abilities doesn't work in antimagic field like beholders'.
7. Deny Caster Defenses (Ex): At 13th level, a Samurai attacking with his Ancestral Weapon ignores any AC bonuses on his targets that come from spells or spell-like abilities.
8. Reflect Magic (Su): At 16th level, an spell effect that would be dispelled by a successful use of the Samurai's Parry Magic ability can instead be reflected back on the caster, as per a spell turning effect.
even if not samurai, what other anti caster melee you would like to see in game?