I have an easier solution than investing in UMD. I rolled a Halfling barbarian. The best part is that I have my pick of all the RR: Halfling Dwarven Axes
Although I did use a nice set of +4 Mithril Full Plate of False Life, min level 8, while leveling him up...
Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).
If you want to know why...
Did u consider that not all dps in the group is a barbarian that can hit anything on epics even unbuffed , with PA on while doing triple backflips? The rogue or paladin in the group would also benefit from the destruction, increasing the overall dps in the group much more than a Disintegration guard would. Best bet is always having multiple DT armors of course. Since nobody need destruction for the regular elite content.
* Flaws - Flawranga - Flawless - Godlike - Think Tank - Doppelganger *
the context was a barbarian. can other party members benefit from the destruction? yes. can other party members bring their own destruction? yes. can other party members benefit the same if the barb opened the attack with a destruction weapon? yes
the point is not whether a barb can hit an epic ac crazy mob or not. the point is why use a DT sov rune on destruction when you could easily switch weapon to a destruction, or improved destruction for that matter
If you want to know why...
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
Epic Wiz King, Epic Devil Assault bosses (Turigalon and the other) and Epic Malicia have an AC in the 70s. You aren't hitting on a 2 with WF PA on.
It's not like you're limited to one set of DT armor, especially with the U7 changes. It's fairly trivial to get the Sovereign Rune you want now. I've already created three sets of DT armor -- one for raid tanking, one for raid DPS and one for soloing/TRing.
Last edited by Carpone; 10-26-2010 at 10:37 AM.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
I with some guildmates are close to being able to craft DT armors. Question given the above vs. another fella's comment about having chosen robes: are the vestments 'fast switchers' like the robes? That'd be my preference between the two if so since nothing else appears to be different other than the look/appearance.
I am not a WF so i don't get the extra 3 and i will log in to see my to hit self buffed in a second :P but still switching to a weapon with improved destruction is way better than using destruction on sovereign rune.
Edit: Just checked a 57 self buffed To Hit on first attack. And i am still level 19 so missing capstone, mighty rage and couple of enhancements. Also no epic items . Bottom line i just don't think that destruction on sovereign is any good on a barb.
Also for some reason i don't like multiple sets of DT. I've always seen having multiple as a hassle. Mind if i ask what effects you got on your 3 sets of DT?
I did read and disagree. My 2 DT sets are : heal amp/crushingwave/disintegration and heal amp/crushing wave/Destruction guard.
There is no way in hell you are gonna sell me that swaping to a destruction weapon every 1 minute is better than keep swinging my e-sos/weighted maul/dreamspitter while doing destruction to the epic mobs.
Unless your groups only accept kensai fighters and barbarians on the lfm, i still can picture a handfull of situations where the destruction rune is more usefull on epic content, than an ubber 400~sh dmg over a 3% chance while being hit.
Keep in mind that i do use the disintegration guard on many situations, probably more often than the destruction. There are different opinions and playstyles, if u dont like swaping armor/docent that is your business. Mocking from someone else's opinion built from thousands of hours of epic grinding when u dont even have an epic item on your own barb is kinda silly though.
Barbs forums? Sorry tought it was the goat humping forum section. My bad.
ps: I do respect your opinion Aranticus. And know what was your point there. But saying that they are both usefull on different contexts is more likely than stating that everyone that uses Destruction on a Barb's DT is wrong. (the message i got from the player that posted above).
Last edited by ThunderTank; 10-28-2010 at 01:29 PM.
* Flaws - Flawranga - Flawless - Godlike - Think Tank - Doppelganger *
If you want to know why...
Bc they are slacks. =P hehe
But in a situation where someone else is doing destruction(with a weapon like u do for instance) i would swap docents for max dps. (disintegration or epic dragon rather)
Are you one of those google bots? I posted like a second ago ! lol
Heading to bed. Gnite!
* Flaws - Flawranga - Flawless - Godlike - Think Tank - Doppelganger *
If you want to know why...