tl;dr version for the busy dev: Can we have a statement as to whether we can expect PrE magic damage boost to stack with basic class boosts?
Mostly this is getting spurred on by my testing of Pale Master and cleric stacking (which, incidentally, didn't work) earlier today. It seems to be within reasonable expectations that while we can't expect similar class enhancements to stack (say Cleric Life Magic and Bard Song of Life), prestige enhancements are "something extra" and probably should stack. In many cases, they flat out make class enhancements better - longer bard songs, stronger pally auras, higher fighter dex bonus, better healing spells, etc. I see no reason for this to stop being the case when multiclassing (although the argument of there being a top end to % boost for design purposes would be valid).
I'd really just like to hear either "WAI" or "We're working on it, hold on".
On a slight tangent, getting this working would probably get things halfway to implemented elemental savants and a noticeably less whiny sorcerer contingent.
*Disclaimer* Yes, I'd like things to stack so I can build a greatly suboptimal battlecaster (12 wiz/7 cler/1 monk).