Ok so Ive decided to test the fens sets and whether they stack with potency/lore items.
Ive chosen scorching ray for the spell to be cast namely because I get 3 rays per cast.
Amount of times casting 334 for a total of 1002 rays (sufficient?) per test
First question I would like to answer/clarify is whether the bonus' to crit are cumulative I.E. 9% enhance + 9% major lore = 18% crit or = 17% crit (9% of of a 100 + 9% out of 91%)
1002 rays should be around 170.34 crits if its 17% rate
1002 rays should be around 180.35 crits if its 18% rate
at the same time I would like to test the shamans set to see if it stacks with potency.
if potency and shamans don't stack i should see 7.6 - 45.6
if potency and shamans stack I should see 8.8 - 52.8
Question does turbine round up? or truncate their numbers?
Phase 2
confirming Elders set stacks with Major lore
1002 rays should be around 200.4 crits if its 20% rate
1002 rays should be around 210.42 crits if its 21% rate
First are these numbers remotely correct (I do understand if they truncate that my crit percents are off I opted to round)
Second am I correct in assuming if I see a 7 or above a 46 on my scorching ray that the shamans set definitely stacks? (on a non crit)
any feedback is appreciated anyone who wishes to help follow the below assumptions and feel free to post your results and specify which situation of the 3 you are testing for
NO empower/maximize, full set of fire crit and fire damage enhancements otherwise your numbers will not match up No other crit(tod set) or fire damage items on besides sup potency (ie no clickies)
questions? comments ?
Ill be doing this early next week appreciate all the feedback I can get!