Show how it's significantly more powerful than 6 levels of fighter
You lose out on a +2 seeker modier, +1 damage, and what else?Critical modifiers and combat melee prowess is missing in an 18Cleric/2Fighter.
You can have 18 levels of cleric and not be a heal bot, you can be an absolute beast in melee still, but you can also have more strings to your bow. You need not kite anything through blade barriers, but you can if you want. It's a question of what value various options give you.The only reason I would take 18 levels of Cleric would be if I wanted to do the Heal bot thing. This build is no heal bot.
The /12 cleric builds are for those not wanting to have to kite through blade barriers.
At this point I think you need to prove that. show mathematically how much more damage 8/12 does than 6/14, and then 18/2. I don't think it's particularly significant.The 8 levels of fighter or 6/2 depending on your style offers large fast dps that does not rely on spell points.
All casters worry about spell points. If you're self healing then spell points matter.With the aura and fighter bonuses, you can solo all day melee with very high DPS and not have to worry about spell points.
Aside from about 30 hitpoints difference I don't see what makes the 12/8 more survivable than the 18/2. If you look at it from the perspective of self-healing, self protection, and saves, then the 18 is much better.Yes an 18Cleric/2Fighter would need lots of spellpoints to stay alive solo.
This build does not.