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  1. #1
    Community Member articwarrior's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Quick questions on sets

    hey, rolled up a toon a long time agai and now he is lvl 20 (18wiz) with both rankles set and glacier set.
    before I make a fumble, does glacial set(all 3 parts) stack with superior glaciation VIII?
    does rahkirs set stack with greater lore from greenblade, sliver, blue scale etc.?
    what is the certain proc and proc rate of the archmage set if you have 5th enhancement of archmage?

    need to know question 1 the most because I already have a superior glaciation VIII from festivult

    Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    No the glacial assault does not stack from a festival sup glac VIII item. Also, the amrath belt clickies do more damage so you should use them up first before switching to that item.

    The Rahkir's set doesn't "stack" with a Greater Arcane Lore item but it's still good to use with one. GAL gives 9% crit and +.25 multiplier to everything, that item bonus stacks with your enhancements. Rahkir's 5% crit does NOT stack with the 9% from GAL, so you're not getting a 14% chance for crit from item bonuses. BUT, the +.5 from Rahkirs over rides the +.25 so using that set with a GAL item gives you 9% crits and +.5 multiplier on EVERYTHING. That's the only way I know of to achieve this effect, you could carry around a bunch of major lores swap in for this effect or even craft some greensteel with major lores on them but that sounds like a pain to me and your disintegrate crits still won't be effected.

    I haven't been able to test it out first hand but the archmage V effect with Rahkirs sounds pretty dang good as well if you can find the APs for it.

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