Sure wished my monk had dps
Mine gimped too. just look at her stats just gimpy as can be
Sure wished my monk had dps
Mine gimped too. just look at her stats just gimpy as can be
You forgot Mithril. Stormreaver has /mithril DR. Bizarrely enough..
As to the OP's fears, personally I haven't experienced DPS cherry picking. I've seen a few requirements for linkeage of DR breakers, if the raids are on elite (which is a reasonable request), but thats about it.
Last edited by Jamma; 10-22-2010 at 04:05 PM.
Yes, mid 50s, particularly if you're power attacking is hard to get on a monk who has spent all their character build options making it "surviveable". BTW her AC is 70. So you miss half your ToDs and the ones that do land only do half.
In EXACTLY the situation you actually need ToD it's gimped. Very horrible idea on Turbine's part. Rage on the other hand makes you hit more and do more damage, fighter and rogue haste clickies make you attack faster... as always. For clearing easy trash, ToD (and Void 4) are great, but for when you actually need it for a tough boss... not so much.
Honestly I think the thing that worries me most about the nerf is the precedent it sets. It shows that they are willing to nerf something that is not overpowered, because people complained, based on BUGGED data. Similar to the bad precedent update5 set that they are willing to nerf something because it is coded badly instead of just fixing the code.
How do you figure? A high AC build will be dex/wisdom based. That's true. But that doesn't mean they can't hit. Weapon Finesse works just fine with unarmed attacks remember. Your barb has what, 36 strength or so? For a +13 to-hit. Right? That high AC monk may not have that high of strength, but probably does have that high of dex. Presto, +13 to-hit from dex.
I'll admit, I haven't done Bastion before. Don't know what a yugaloth potion is or does. But I'd hazard to guess your misinterpreting things a tad. My monk started with 12 strength. And with the piddly gear I've managed to pick up, runs around with 18 strength now. Only applied one level-up stat point in strength, and haven't maxed out my strength gear. I figure I should be able to get another 5 points of strength via stat tomes and strength items. And that's without crafted items. No, I wont do as much damage as a 40 strength barbarian (with rage). At least not via damage bonus. So far 2d6+12 damage is pretty dang good. Especially since I can bypass almost all material based DR without a specialized weapon. Eventually, I will bypass all material based DR.Barbarians on the other hand, they're going to hit, and hit hard. If you're doing bastion elite to get your yugaloth potions if your monk is actually built "survivable enough" to make a difference then you've gimped your DPS to the point where you may as well not be there anyway or you're just using vorpals and could be pretty much any class.
Maybe the problem is that people put too much stock in always having the ability to deal insane amounts of damage. I don't know everything, and haven't been farming the endgame raids a bajillion times. Or even once. But so far I've seen very little that 'needs' someone to be the top end DPS. What is usually needed is the ability to get past DR, and enough DPS to overwhelm regen, with enough support to stay alive while doing so. How you get this doesn't have to involve "RAWR I HULK OUT" levels of damage.The problem is that if you have focused on DPS, before the nerf you were at least competitive in the tough situations with other melee, now, forget about it, you can clean up the normal difficulty trash fine, but when it actually counts you're simply not going to get the spot in a tough elite or epic.
Finding ones past, present, and future in the threads of destiny.
A monk can have
16-20 base strength
5 level ups
0-2 strength enchantment
+6 item
3 exceptional
2-4 tome
4 from fire stance
2 from rage
38-46 str that can be kept up cheaply without me even considering any other buff more than a rage potion and good gear. With Madstone it will of course increase as well as with many other ways. Purgatory there could temporarly at least hit 60 str. I am probably forgetting many ways to increase STR.
that is not something that can just be laughed at. They have ToD. They can stun almost any foe easily and more often, much more option and with a will save stun if a shintao monk. Oh and shadow fade (ninja spy) will give that 25% incorpreal miss chance against the DQ. They have improved evasion so even a failed save is not as bad as any but rogues. High Spell resistance comes into play. High saves in all categories. Highly Mobile. 10DR/epic (few foes bypass epic damage reduction and not everyone plays epics). They have a Various dps increasing strikes. Sneak attacks. They do not lose the -2 to hit from TWF with fists like other TWFer's have with their weapons if not -4 if the other class does not have OTWF. Destruction and improved destruction can easily lower enemies AC and raises everyone's dps through that.
Is that not enough to be a highly effective class or is that all unimportant to you?
edit: ^^ Red_night you forget that barbs have their rage ability which massively increases their strength